The Nathan J Robinson haters were right all along

  • please_dont [he/him]
    3 years ago

    most means most and i said personal tweets, that he had quite plenty actualy. Deleting articles is/would be way more egregious and probably not as easy even if he wanted to

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The only relevant question is whether he was trying to bury the Tara Reade story, and he clearly was not. Caring about personal tweets over published, in-depth work is the definition of too online.

      This is a huge fuck up on his part, but it doesn't mean everything the guy has ever done has been bad, and it doesn't legitimate criticism that never made sense in the first place.

      • please_dont [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Im not saying he tried to actively burry the Tara Reade story altogther or that him initially covering it was bad or fake (i expected of any left of socdem media while Bernie was still viable to cover it tbh) but that he massively hopped into the Biden train and support "from the left" along Chomsky's lines , dropped any active critisism and tried to retroactively underplay the degree in which his public posts were anti-biden/biden disqualifying in order to save face for his current support and hide its inconsistency and not recognize its element hypocricy. And so showed signs of shaky principles and decision making

        • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Eh - I dunno about this one. He's held the Chomsky position on voting - that it's such a small part of our political lives that you might as well vote for the lesser evil and go on with your day - long before 2020 and consistently criticized Biden before, during, and after the election.

          He never dropped criticism of Biden, he wrote a scathing piece in August of last year on Biden calling him "appalling...a dutiful servant of corporate interests" that literally brought up the Tara Reade story to mention that his record on sexual assault is Trump-like. He also stated the objective fact that a Trump presidency is worse than a Biden presidency.

          We don't need to make shit up about NJR when this scandal is more than enough to bury him.

    • Shylo
      9 months ago

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