It was in some jp video
In the bottom left is the chaos dragon, women. Our job is to give birth to heroic men who then protect us and make everything good about society. That's it, that's the entire ideology.
The individualization of heroism. Now every insolent man-child can be his own batman by using slurs and refusing to stand up for pregnant women on the bus.
It means lame nerds want to control and subdue the cool badass chaos dragon because they hate fun
Correct. Imagine seeing the feminine chaos dragon and not immediately praising her glory
Anybody eating that many steaks sure knows more than i do about shitting out their doodoo ass.
the goal is to become the densest being, to retain all the feces until you are the singularity
everything you need to learn about the PMC is "they're fascist grifters". That's it
I'm an intellectual smart boy. Both my mother and threes of my teachers agree that I am gifted and will one day make a million dollars. Because I'm smart, I refuse to read a goddamn thing about Marxism. Not a single dictionary entry, not a wikipedia article, can't even name a book beyond the Communist Manifesto and I don't know what that is apart from it being Chinese.
You know what makes sense to me? This. I'm willing to follow this. My worldview will grow out of this and the equally intelegent Jordan Peterson. Coincidentally everything he says perfectly speaks to me as an incel and I don't have to do anything beyond wash my penis to feel like I'm learning smart things. I look at the dragon scoping out god's arbitrary word salad and it's as clear as day, not at all the nerd equivalent of mumble rap due to the same class of drugs.
The real ego trip we made was the multiple choice tests we took along the way
There's too much vaginal symbology here, which one should I avoid
It means that God has massive tiddies, named Security and Tyranny.
as order and western civilization break down before the combined forces of feminism, critical race theory, cultural marxism, and cock and ball torture, it will become possible to suck your own dick
Need an evil Jewish wizard in the streets and a chaos dragon in the sheets
JP nerds will go "Labour theory of value? Yeah ok try something rational" and then go googoo over this.