Like I get that ivermectin can be harmful and isn’t meant for COVID w/e.

But I also know a lot of houseless people and uninsured that have relied on animal medication when human medication was inaccessible to them due to the cost. Is it safe or advised? No. But it’s nice to not have to choose between medication and eating when you’re sick and poor.

This whole “lol they take horse meds they’re dumb” is a bad way to angle your argument IMO as it can be leveraged to punch down. And we need to be thinking critically about what kind of laws can come from encouraging takes like this. I don’t want to limit anyone’s access to affordable medicine even if some people abuse that access to get diarrhea.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be attacking the problem on some intrinsic “human taking animal meds bad” but more on the reasons people do it? Because all of this links back to the bigger problem that America doesn’t have adequate healthcare for its people. And, I would argue, that leveraging the discussion from that logic would add more weight to our cause and help more people see the inherent evils that are contributing to this. (Namely American healthcare interest groups)


  • D61 [any]
    3 years ago

    Hey, my mom took me to get my head stitched back together at a veterinary clinic because she was freaking out, it was opened, and she managed to "talk" them into doing what is technically an illegal surgery that could have gotten them shut down or fined or something. So I get it.

    But everything we do will and can be twisted by people with other agendas. So yeah, folks who want to turn this into poor shaming, will do so. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. So ultimately, I don't see it as mattering enough to think its a bad idea.