• Dear_Occupant [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The top comment in that one about the presidential crimes commission

    "I don’t say this lightly: when we escape this Trump hell, America needs a Presidential Crimes Commission. It should be made up of independent prosecutors who look at those who enabled a corrupt president. Example 1: Sabotaging the mail to win an election. #SaveThePostOffice," Swalwell tweeted.

    It's like a bug that's been trapped in amber but somehow it's still alive and doesn't realize it's doomed. "With all due respect Mr. Spider, that's my abdomen you've got your proboscis pointed at, and I'll be speaking to the authorities about the peculiar flavor of your digestive enzymes. Listen, do you mind if I crash here on this fine silken web you've got? I've got somewhere to be in an hour or so, but I could really use a wink. I hope I'm not imposing upon your hospitality."