Also has anyone seen that Picard Season 2 trailer? :data-laughing:
I just hate that art-style. Seems like every awful netflix adult comedy has some approximation of that look, so I associate it with having a bad time of absolutely zero enjoyment.
hard agree. not sure what they shoudda done instead but its a shitty style & im p sure its got something to do with fucking over labor
Currently watching the Star Wars: Visions anime series and nearly every episode has a different art style. Nevermind the various non-Netflix American shows. There's clearly more than one studio.
This just feels like its Seth McFarlene doing show-running for a dozen different Family Guy clones.
Is visions good? Ive kinda lost interest in Star wars since the sequel trilogy (although that's also when I stopped being a teenager) but if it's a good show and doesnt rely too much on callbacks to the source material I wouldn't mind watching it
If you like anime and you like the Star Wars aesthetic, it's enjoyable. I loved the first episode. The next two were cute, but not jaw dropping. The fourth was genuinely fun. If you've got Disney+ (or a VPN and a good piracy site) they're 15-minute vignettes and not a waste of your time. They're on par with The Mandalorian, and I enjoyed that show just because it had the old Firefly space western energy that I love.
Much like the Animatrix and Batman-a-matrix(?) anime anthologies, they just have fun with the setting. They're all different stories using the Star Wars motif. But you could watch them stand-alone without watching the original movies at all and you'd still have fun.
Sounds cool! I've got other shows I gotta watch first but I'll keep it in mind
Another reason why the Harley Quinn show is great. Doesn't have this ugly ass Rick and Morty art style.
the Harley Quinn show is unironically one of the best adult cartoon shows I have ever seen, it's so damn good
Completely agree. This scene could fit into Star Trek if it was live action.
Pffft one screenshot out of context means nothing, how many times has a federation ship turned into a giant orgy thanks to some unidentified alien pheromones or whatever.
My biggest issue here is whoever wrote the episode thinks that butthole sunning will still be a tolerated crank practice in a post-scarcity future.
I know I'm being a bit facetious here by posting a scene from the goofy Star Trek Rick and Morty cartoon
"Gene Roddenberry what is your opinion on horniness in your TV show?"
Lower Decks is the best Treck has been since the nineties, fite me will
Overall I think it's better than Voyager at least imo.
I disagree but Im seriously turned off by the gross male gazey sexuality
Fair enough, that is a legitimate downside.
All the cool lore about the beginnings of the Federation makes up for it's flaws for me at least.
Explaining early Klingon costumes/makeup was a mistake. Like Roddenberry said, they always looked like TNG, you just couldn't see it before.
I absolutely hate it when a long running nerd franchise tries to explain away "plot holes" and inconsistencies that exist purely due to off-screen real-world production reasons with piles of contrived lore
Also while voyager had some fascist impulses enterprise sure expanded those
I just think Voyager had a ton of wasted potential with it's concept is all.
If we include EVERY Trek then I think Star Trek Online story used to be regarded by far as having the best writing post Voyager. I played a bit of that game back in the day and it was fun enough. They handled the timeline realy well I think and there is a lot of good original content in that game.
But if we limit to just TV/movies sure that is not a particularly high bar when you are comparing Nemesis+Enterprise and then JJ shitverse and all Kurtzman trash.
Nobody really argues against the idea that Trek peaked with TNG/DS9 TV series, most TNG movies are controversial etc.
Tbf, I think he's being sarcastic if you look at his responses further down the thread.
Yeah, while I don't think he cares for any of the more recent Trek stuff he cares even less for angry chud turbonerds writing essay-long screeds about it
I'm happy with it. If nothing else you can tell that it's a show the creators actually really wanted to make. It has a confidence that the others don't have and it's actually made by people who like Star Trek
This was from a simulation referencing how crews always get sex pollened, and the scene was pretty funny actually
I found :will-fancy: 's blunt offended reaction really funny
yeah i dont get the outrage people have over lower decks since most of what they do is just references/allusions to things that happened on other trek shows
Just noticed the asexual Engineering Chief in the background just doing work
This is the exact kind of decadent and removed practice this so called “socialist” federation has been propping up since its inception. If you want a truly revolutionary program that values bodies properly, look no further than Dukat’s writings.
My headcanon has always been that whenever Riker was offscreen he was doing this or something nearly identical to it
I liked it ok when I watched it. Def better than Picard and most of Discovery
roddenberry originally described deanna troi as an 'oversexed bimbo with four tits'