San Diego was apparently the first city to do this, and even then only halfway subsidized. But the trend is now spreading.
Can we muster the political will for universal childcare? No. But what we can do is provide it for our favorite overpaid security-sector occupations.
Bit idea: swear in the entire population as police officers and dedicate the entire city budget to their comfort and well-being. It's the only way to stop the spread of socialism
40% of the city budget is allocated to police, who number only half a percent of the population. In order to scale it up to the whole population, even eliminating the rest of the budget, we would also have to raise taxes by a factor of 16. No, not 16%, 1600%.
We just can't afford police.
This is a good idea, but instead of the Kids being in the facility while the cops are at work, they go there when they get home so they don't get traumatized by the domestic violence.
Police unions are something special: the labor unions of the class traitors. The AFL–CIO & SEIU should expel them.
No they use regular jail for that.