Because the ruling class will still need to distract libs and chuds from material conditions. In fact it will probably be even more important in two unsustainable nations.
Because the ruling class will still need to distract libs and chuds from material conditions. In fact it will probably be even more important in two unsustainable nations.
I'd just say democrats would wake up in blue states and republicans would wake up in red states and be done with it. The point of the thought experiment is to find the fracture points that currently exist within the two parties. What would be the new wedge issues that we could exploit a wedge strategy on?
Probably food production and distribution
Oh these would no doubt be issues both nations would face, but I'm more interested in what social problems would the media exploit to distract us from such real concerns.
Oh hmm. Maybe the media from either side would start to be like “the other side has concentration camps for us”
But the media is already doing this one. Remember Jade Helm 15?
I don't care about what unites republicans to each other against democrats. Nor what unites democrats against republicans. I want to know how to break the spine of each team. Because they'll have to reform into separate parties once again in their new "ideal" states.
Yeah that’s a tough but cool question. Looking forward to what other people say