im sure you guys follow people who recently started to mindlessly drool over the tweets from bad actors like simon tesfamariam also.

the whole imperialist angle is dogshit too. 18 months ago ethiopia was a western darling since they privatized the economy and detatched from the massively pro-china tplf. there is no imperialist onslaught here. also, eritrea under afwerki have invaded all their neighbours and hosted military bases for UAE in their genocidal war on the zaidis. yeah, they're fucking buried in the sanction scheme. guess what? when you keep your soldiers as slaves and refuse to even pretend to hold elections for 20 years, you will get sanctioned without any ulterior motives. also somewhat bizarre to hear Puryear try to mention development metrics that are better than some warzone countries in central africa when eritrea on the other hand have the lowest information infrastructure in the world (probably intentionally so).

  • cokedupchavez [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    people who at least don’t seem to be mouthpieces for the US government

    trusting these people based on this is just ridiculously dangerous and the crux of all my cybercrusades. please reconsider this logic

    North Korea has good relations with Eritrea, and Eritrea seems to be siding with the Ethiopian government

    north korea is good with most global south countries, not an argument. north korea isnt authoritative on this shit either. at all. eritrea was viciously opposed to ethiopia gov last 20 years, even tough meles zenawi was afwerkis cousin. does this mean anything?

    I don’t really see how the TPLF is the good guys in this anyways.

    tigray is subject to a genocidal war. its that simple. but yes tplf militias play dirty and its not proportionally represented in western media. OP isnt a remedy for that though.

    It seems like another pseudo-proxy-war in Africa where the more violence there is the worse off everyone but western governments are.

    this has nothing to do with imperialism. abiy ahmed was a western favourity. thats why this thing is so perverse. everybody jumped ship the second he decided to start a war. that the west benefit here is is just a bullshit rhetoric. if anything, egypt benefits. egypt always but especially led by a junta is a problem for israel and global shipping. holding leverage over egypt is actually an insanely understated centerpiece in global capitalism.

    I’d rather side with literally anyone other than the US government .. Pretty big red flag in your post considering the US never sanctions anyone without ulterior motives.

    do i have to quote dril on isis support here, or what? * saying the US is involved in a way just leads you completely astray. this is just the UN-human-rights world-system operating. you're completely wrong to say the US never sanction without ulterior motive. it can and is often abused but you're really out of your depth if you think that there's always something under it. this is the type of ultraconspiratorial complete-detached-from-reality type of thinking that got us stuck in this shit. you're left supporting a slave state personal dictatorship and a genocidal war because the tiny, insignificant pushback to that by definition must be a bigger evil. cmon, something got wrong on the way here!