Fuck Atwood

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    3 years ago

    I just want her to fuck off now, I dont care for anyone to convince her I would just be happy with her fucking having a stroke or something and going away forever.

    Im so tired of fucking goddamn white middle class feminists doing this shit and inviting massive transphobic hate on anyone trying to argue with it, while they just sit and brick wall any arguments or just yell "IM NOT A TERF IM NOT A TERF" at the top of their metaphorical twitter lungs. The fucking audacity of claiming you "say yes to trans rights" and then retweet an article that is fundamentally arguing for restricting trans rights based on access to transition care and misgenders trans women who lack this access as "non-transitioned males", that is just soft TERFism.

    Fuck whoever wrote the shitty article too, using the tired old "Men are abusing self ID to get at women, while back in my day you had to get the whole surgery to even be considered trans" bullshit. I dont care if the author is trans when she decides to literally misgender trans women just for not having had access to transition care, she can fuck off and die too for all I care, but she might not even exist given apparently this is her only online presence anyone can seem to find.