• Gorn [they/them,he/him]
      4 years ago

      It comes from classical Liberalism and the social contract theory. Basically, by being born into a society, you make certain contracts with that society to accept certain responsibilities, such as to work, which you are free to do at any workplace of your choosing.

      It's all voluntary, see, because you made that original contract by being born into a society that gave you life and sustenance. You definitely chose all of it, because I am definitely not trapped oh no not me the thought is simply too terrifying to even consider

      (note, this is John Locke's take, which is hugely influential, and who actually had some pretty based ideas, ngl, for an ancient Liberal)

    • Multihedra [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The original sentiment is as old as liberalism, that people could enter into “free and voluntary” contracts that would benefit all involved parties, shit like that.

      This particular meme though references a very similar type of meme in which it is Mao that does not consent (generally to some kind of landlord rental situation). This comes from Mao’s conception of the Mass Line, a way for a revolutionary party to support the people. The party should reach out to understand the needs of the people, use Marxist analysis to formulate a plan to address these needs, and finally ask for the consent of the people before enacting the plans.

    • childishpizza [she/her]
      4 years ago

      they prolly heard it on breadtube or Dave Rubin’s podcast or smth like that, it’s not like these people ever read/hear anything from actual politics/political theory scholars.