• LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    What does the right even have lol - the Starship Troopers federation?

    There's the unironic WH40k empire stans, but they're probably seen as incredibly weird and off-putting even by the Fox News ghouls.

    • TraumaDumpling
      9 months ago

      i'm still mad they rewrote the Tau from 'hopelessly outnumbered genuine good guys who are too insignificant to make a serious difference in the galaxy, which is full of incredibly powerful factions who are too stupid/racist/xenophobic to ally with each other to take down the biggest existential threats' to '1984 alien mind control parasites make everyone subservient to the ethereals so they can genocide the humans they trick into joining their empire'

      • TraumaDumpling
        9 months ago

        but in classic slopagandist fashion they will deny making any claim whatsoever about reality or related concepts, and insist that since the lore is written from the imperial perspective it might just be propaganda. this has zero effect on the wider culture and community, who continue earnestly 'larp'-ing as fascists, while absolving them of any specific wrongdoing.

        • TraumaDumpling
          9 months ago

          i mean yeah, in-setting even the most oppressed mind-controlled Earth Caste factory workers probably never have to eat food thats mostly made of human (or tau) corpse starch, like almost the entire Imperium of Man does. and they probably never get turned into an overly-complicated doorknob via cyber-crucifixion for complaining about the taste of the corpse-starch ration blocks, like the humans do.

          pictured below: aforementioned human doorknob


      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        Agreed. The Tau were actual proper grimdark done right. Fighting against hopeless odds in a war they cannot win just because it is the right thing to do. That's really dark. But I guess the empire stans got mad that there was actually a faction worth rooting for in the franchise so they had to fix that.

        At least the Orks are alright.

      • 7bicycles [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Can they just be normal?

        I think being in character for WH40K pretty much predisposes you can't actually be normal

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        9 months ago

        It's funny because you can kinda judge people on the chapter they play. Black Templars are chuds most of the time, Salamanders are the opposite.

        • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          Similarly, I find a lot of left wing homies play Imperial Guard (it me, I like all the little guys) but the Guard players with the worst politics invariably play Krieg

          I think the presence of space marines draws away the people looking for power fantasies of various kinds (from your black templars to your salamanders) and leaves the people who's fantasy is either ordering people to their deaths (Krieg) or standing tall with your comrades against overwhelming odds (most other regiments). Of course, the less said about the fantasies of Praetorian players, the better.

          • LeZero [he/him]
            9 months ago

            I love the Guard, probably cause of Abnett's Gaunt Ghosts, but I also sure do like those Valhallans boys and girls

        • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
          9 months ago

          I like Black Templars because they play like Space Wolves lore claims they fight like.

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            9 months ago

            I play Dark Angels because they're canonically as sick of Space Wolves as I am.

            Also, one of the few loyalist chapters that have a weakness that both matters and is the direct fault of their own Primarch.

            • TraumaDumpling
              9 months ago

              space wolves are ok, they are like the 2nd or 3rd most likely chapter to care about civilians whatsoever, they fought the inquisition to stop them from blowing up a planet once i think. idk about the fans, i imagine the viking theme attracts pigmask-off

              • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                9 months ago

                Conceptually Space Wolves are okay (beyond, as you say, viking shit being a magnet for Nazis). My problem for them is that they're so poorly written.

                If I said something like "the battle between Svane Vulfbad and Harald Deathwolf", most people would be hard pressed to figure out if I'm mocking the Space Wolves or referencing a real canon event.

        • invo_rt [he/him]
          9 months ago

          I play Necrons, but it was for the original Terminator vibe. Now it's because I think the models are cool and I like Trazyn being an absolute shit and doing a Grumpy Old Men with Orikan. They're also easy to paint.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Right wingers seem to like Dune but scifi isn't their domain I think. Unless you count novels like the Probability Broach.

      Conservatives are into fantasy. Tolkien is their guy.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        9 months ago

        They also generally have an incredibly shallow knowledge of and grasp on Tolkien's works and either base everything off the movies cause they ain't read the books or project a lot of stuff that they want into it and ignore that reading the hard to read stuff will tell you they're wrong. I wish Tolkien were still around cause he'd be an absolutely vicious reply guy.

      • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        Right wingers seem to like Dune

        Dune is actually rightwing, a conservative morality play and distant future. Frank Herbert was what today would be called a chud and was very open about it. That being said, Dune is still amazing space opera and something unique.

        I do find it funny when leftists who don't know the background of the author and his own interpretation twist themselves into knots trying to make Dune into some kind of leftist agitprop.

        • novibe@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          What? Herbert for sure didn’t have good politics, but he was an anarchist, not a chud. What are you talking about specifically?

          And dune is very much anti-authority, anti-eugenics, anti-futurist etc etc. it’s not “pro” much of anything. But most of the things it is “against” are chud things.