• richietozier4 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    NYT on Peng: She twitched her eye, can we be absolutely sure that's her?

    NYT on an actual dissident being arrested by a company: meh

  • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Obviously Western media is a fuck, and their silence regarding Donziger is appalling. But, I mean, I don’t think we should downplay the sexual abuse perpetrated by people in power by saying those those call them out are “irrelevant”.

    The Chinese government coming out and investigating the accusations and openly supporting the player would be the morally correct move.

    • Bernies3trlnKielbasa [he/him]
      3 years ago

      But, I mean, I don’t think we should downplay the sexual abuse perpetrated by people in power by saying those those call them out are “irrelevant”.

      It's entirely irrelevant to the NYT and their audience. Same as the alleged Uighur bullshit.

      This is not a judgment about sexual abuse. It's a judgment about topics in foreign countries and why they are (or are not) amplified by western media.

      What China does or doesn't do is beyond my control or ability to influence. There is no need for me to have any comment on it. The same applies to the NYT.

      What IS within our ability to influence is what our government does, what actions our elected representatives take, which in turn can have a direct effect on the Donziger matter. We can influence that and we should.

      • OgdenTO [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I don't think the concept of "if I can't directly change something I shouldn't even know about it" is worth following.

        I'm not sure where it came from but it's widespread here.

        I think that's counterproductive in that how is one supposed to work toward internationalism when you want to cut yourself off from foreign news?

        Anyway, we should all effect change at home where we can have an effect - but this sentiment of wanting ignorance in foreign matters is pretty lazy.

        • Bernies3trlnKielbasa [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I shouldn’t even know about it”

          P sure I didn't say this though. I did say there's no need for me to comment on it.

          NYT don't need to comment, either. They need to clean their own house but they'd rather beat the war drums.

          • OgdenTO [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I mean, you said that the NYT shouldn't comment on it. All corporate media is biased and will report what they want to report. Unfortunately it is also how people in the west get their news.

            Saying that NYT shouldn't comment is essentially saying that it shouldn't be reported on.

            I know thatight be a stretch on what you meant - but I don't see there being a different implementation in practice.

            If the threshold of what should be reported, then, is what we can have an effect on, then that limits reporting to local news only.

            At least that's how I read your post.

              • OgdenTO [he/him]
                3 years ago

                If the NYT would just clean their room that would be a first step to better reporting

      • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I can understand your sentiment.

        The accusations should be reported on in at least three categories - Foreign/International, Sports, and MeToo/Feminism. If that justifies its placement on the front/home page is debatable. Oh and if the newspaper/magazine has a dedicated China section (separate from just Foreign/International) then the story can be published there as well.

        • Bernies3trlnKielbasa [he/him]
          3 years ago

          They can agitate passionately for Donziger first. Until then, this is just CIA bullshit. Fuck the NYT.

          You're not wrong but, see above.

    • Ovuan [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      She literally asked for her privacy to be respected you absolute creepy stalker, because she never presented criminal allegations either (you would have known if you stopped reading literal regime propaganda). Respect her rights.

      • Ovuan [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        The original never mentions sexual abuse, it was invented by the nyt, who has a long history of making up bullshit through alleged "translations". Like it usually happens with some sketchy users on sites controlled by anglos, you will have accounts spreading disinformation.

          • Ovuan [none/use name]
            3 years ago



    • Ovuan [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      There used to be a group of users here who did the same about Xinjiang. These settler regimes' apologists literally always use the same tactics, stuck in a cycle of material decline and propaganda to deflect about their own criminal nature as a genocidal society. This is why settler societies are collapsing with no chance of mitigation, there is no dissent whatsoever.

        • Ovuan [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          At this point there are no more excuses. What is happening is extremely obvious to anyone with half an understanding of history or the world beyond western propaganda. It's always the same pattern. These people are malicious actors pretending to be "leftist" because the spoils from their imperialism no longer exists, so they are uncomfortable about their declining material conditions, but do not want to alter their worldview too much. On top of that, you likely have actual regime trolls, since the american regime is well known for sending armies of trolls to co-opt communities it consider a threat.

  • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
    3 years ago

    They wrote an article on it in October.

    Oil companies are fucks and the fact that they've gotten away with so much environmental damage, most of it in lower income countries, is tragic. But accounts of the case suggest, to put it mildly, that Donziger did not do a good job and isn't currently the victim of a smear campaign. I'm not sure this is the dunk folks think it is.

    Never mind, I did some more digging and it looks like I woke up on the stupid side of the bed today. My bad.

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Donziger did not do a good job

      He won the case with the Ecuadorian Supreme Court.

      [he] isn’t currently the victim of a smear campaign


    • ClathrateG [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Listen to some of the interviews with him, claims of 'not doing a good job' and the contempt of court charge are bullshit