I'm excited. Are you excited?

    • gullyfoyleismyname [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I have bosnian friends that live here because of the shit serbia pulled in the 90's. Fuck them and fuck any dogma that sees them as the good guys

        • gullyfoyleismyname [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          I didn't say the US is good either, but blowing up a pack of genocidal assholes is an objectively good mood I really don't care about the motivations

            • gullyfoyleismyname [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              Yeah one can criticize the civilian casualties or what have you I agree with you there but I'd rather the serbs be prevented from doing another genocide like they had just got done doing and suffer some losses then just let em into Kosovo to make more mass graves. It's awful but way I see it it's the same as the german civillians that died during WWII. Was it sad? Yes it really was. Is it better those German civvies die before Generalplan Ost gets implemented? Yeah

          • baguettePants [he/him]
            3 years ago

            So all Serbs are "packs of genocidal assholes"?

            I was nearly killed in one Serbian attack and I can tell you with a high degree of confidence, that your opinion is dogshit and you should do better.

            You don't even need Parenti. Chomsky's analysis of that bombing is the same, even though his negative opinion of Milosevic is very well known. Chomsky quotes the highest levels of Clinton administration who said the bombing had nothing to do with stopping the "possible" genocide, but disciplining Serbia for not following the wishes of western imperialists. Furthermore, the bombing was long after the Milosevic's "fuckery" in Bosnia. Furthermore, they bombed the entire infrastructure of the country, back to the stone age. Not just military targets. Furthermore, it was about Kosovo, not Bosnia, and at that time the Kosovars organized a terrorist group there who were "being assholes" there. Furthermore, this bombing actually made things on Kosovo worse, rather then better etc. Finally, this is all Chomsky, not Parenti.

      • Florn [they/them]
        3 years ago

        So do I, but that's not what this quote is saying.