• Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    I didn't end up getting the role. The recruiter was representing both myself and the other candidate and she said she honestly believed they made a mistake. I've been running a team of 25 IT staff and doing project work, stakeholder management and client management. Apparently they felt like I would struggle being a one man team....

    Ah well, onwards we march.

    But to be honest it was a punch in the guts. Hopefully now that people are coming back from annual leave next week, things will speed up a bit.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      6 months ago

      Bro, being a team of one sucks arse. I just had a pretty massive change and now have proper manager who gives a shit about me and a team who try to help me out and genuinely care. 10/10 has taken my job from “this is fucking bullshit” to “shit I’m actually enjoying this! I hope they don’t make me redundant”. Sounds like you dodge a bullet.

      • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
        6 months ago

        So you were internal IT? I'm coming from an MSP and I'm worried about getting stuck in my career. I feel like I'm being held back a bit by working exclusively for MSP's. What are your thoughts?

        • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
          6 months ago

          I started internally, and shifted to MSP to kickstart the career. I got exhausted though, no ownership of problems, constantly putting out fires and projects being held over the L1s and L2s as something to earn, not opportunities to learn. I transitioned back to internal IT 3 years ago, and I love it. It really depends on the boss and the company but so far I've had 3 jobs (1 redundancy, 1 contract and my current one longer term) and its been a real learning experience. I'm still support/engineer adjacent so my MSP experience is highly sort after.

          • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
            6 months ago

            Thanks for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it. Did you get to level 3 in your tech knowledge?

            And one last question: does your current organisation have an MSP on call, or are you basically it for everything?

      • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
        6 months ago

        Yeah I got to the final stage. It gets tiring honestly. 4 sets of interviews including the initial one with the recruiter. Wears you down.

        • legios@aussie.zone
          6 months ago

          Ah I'm sorry to hear that. I got down to the last 2 a few years back and they went with the internal candidate... It definitely wears you down.

  • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Sunscreen leaked in my bag and went inside my work laptop earlier today. Panik. Charger port, USB-C, HDMI port etc.

    Came home, unscrewed the whole back. Got cotton, started taking off as much as I could. Unscrewed some more off the mobo, but wasn't able to get into the ports to clear the lotion.

    Idea! Got some floss, and the wire thingy you tie cables with. Needed something small but just strong enough to scoop out the lotion from the ports. First go with the wire, scoop out lotion, run into cotton, then followed by the floss to get into the corners. Repeat x937374 times to get as much out as possible. Great success. Calm.

    I am so proud of myself 😎😎😎

    Also bonus points because my laptop wasn't charging earlier today (before the spill) and while cleaning this off, got the charger to work as well.

    Honorary shoutout to a new toothbrush that I sacrificed trying to remove the lotion. You were a champ!

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      6 months ago

      That would've definitely sent me into panik mode, good job on cleaning it out so thoroughly! Bonus that your charger works again too. At least it's your work laptop so if it rusts out in a few years when you'll hopefully be gone, it won't be your problem...

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Ted Cat got out and immediately ran for the nearest open gate and open door. He went right in , went into their kitchen and started meowing for dinner. He has now visited 5 neighbours. They all think he's adorable.

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Yesterday was a funny day. At the tram stop, ( the 86 of course ) and a woman walked past with a dog which ran up to me. I pulled away as I don't want dog on me as it upsets the cats at home to smell that. Woman told me Don't freak ya bloody mong! ... lol my virgin ears, I have never been called a mong before. 😂😂😂

  • wscholermann@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Ok so the tobacco shop that got fire bombed earlier this week got attacked again very early this morning having an old ute driven into it.

    So we've got

    • two gelato shops fire bombed in Williamstown.
    • wolf cafe firebombed this week in Millers Junction Altona.
    • tobacco shop firebombed/attacked two nights in a row in pier St Altona.

    I'm about ready to put up the Bat signal at this point.

    • prime_factor@aussie.zone
      6 months ago

      wolf cafe firebombed this week in Millers Junction Altona.

      I remember that cafe was a Covid hot spot, back when contact tracing was a thing.

      • wscholermann@aussie.zone
        6 months ago

        "Company documents show the Wolf Cafe & Eatery is owned by a company directed by Dib Barakat, who was jailed in November 2019 with his brother over a plot to swap real cigarettes with fakes made from potato and molasses, to avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes"

        "We don’t know what is going on,” Barakat, 41, who has completed his prison term, told The Age on Thursday. “We have no problems with no one. We do our business. We do our coffee shops and that’s what we do.”

        Uh huh. If you say so Barakat.

        • SituationCake@aussie.zone
          6 months ago

          Yeah they all seem to have no idea why they were targeted and say it’s a case of mistaken identity. Oh sure. Well, at least you know which coffee shops to avoid so you don’t accidentally get molotoved while getting a latte.

    • SituationCake@aussie.zone
      6 months ago

      There’s been heaps more than that. Some kind of turf war between illegal tobacco crooks. If it wasn’t for the risk to public, I really wouldn’t care if they burned each other out of existence.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      6 months ago

      its trash taking out trash right? So long as no ones getting caught in the crossfire. Which they are smart enough not to do since they know thats gonna trigger a presser from the premier and vicpol announcing a new taskforce.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        6 months ago

        Aren't they burning the places that refuse to peddle their dodgy cigarettes though? Which means every one of these fires has hurt a business that wants nothing to do with them.

        • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
          6 months ago

          I dont know enough about the story TBH, I thought it was gang on gang so if so I take back my cavalier attitude towards it.

          • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
            6 months ago

            I could be completely wrong too. My knowledge of gangs and related criminal activity is extremely limited. In any case fire is a very bad way of dealing with it.

            Maybe we should campaign for the reintroduction of formal duels, so that criminals can kill each other in a calm and controlled environment that does not put the general public at risk. Although that could encourage betting on the results, and gambling tends to lead to more organized crime involvement, so maybe that would just make the problem worse.

  • melbourne_wanderer@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Have a day of data wrangling ahead of me, so am watching movies while I do it.

    I have commenced with Twister, and plan to watch Deep Impact after that.

    Other suggestions for hilarious and excellent movies to watch?

  • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Due to the warm weather, I have designated today as 'beach day'

    There will be boogy boarding, sunbaking (with SPF 50 protection), reading in the sun, fish and chips on the way home and of course, inevitably putting on aloe vera lotion

  • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Beach day accomplished. Bit of excitement happened whilst there. Got home around 8. No sunburns!!! Beers, Whiskey and Jackass now

      • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
        6 months ago

        A young girl was in a bit of trouble...got swept out, her sister/cousin swam over to help and it took a few surfies to bring them in. Beach patrol and paramedics came over eventually (not a patrolled beach). Girls were okay.

        I was helping to keep them warm and stable along with Patrick Dangerfield (Geelong cats captain) who was there with his family.

        The girls mum was so grateful to us (we lent them ouot towels).

        My kids got to chat with Dangerfield and were starstruck.

        • Duenan@aussie.zone
          6 months ago

          Glad it all came off ok and the girl was ok. Must have been really scary for her.

          And Dangerfield. You lucky duck!

          Massive Cats fan here.

          • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
            6 months ago

            I don't know shit about footy..but I'll cheer for him anytime.

            Absolute gentleman, family man and just a gem of a person.

            You're lucky to have him as a captain.

  • oztrin@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    Ended up going back to sleep and sleeping until about 8, which is unheard of these days.
    Pakige finally arrived! Only took about ninety days. Feh.
    Feeling a bit crap with the antibiotics and the last minute dash to the unit, and the estate agent asked if we could cancel the private inspection as the tenant is WFH and the idea was I was going to go through it with my aunt before I made the offer, but since I've already made the offer, it's quite hot and my aunt has to come from Rezza, we agreed to cancel.
    Now getting a few more ducks in a row during the cooling off period. ;)