Seems pretty clear he did more, despite completely bungling multiple things. Also, Joe Biden still owes me $1400 dollars
There's no evidence to support the statement. I think it's a little too-online :brainworms: , comrade.
Trump did not impose any lockdowns. The states did, and then Trump went out of his way to pressure states to ending them. He literally threatened to withhold PPE from states that opposed him. Trump gets zero credit for lockdowns.
Every bit of covid relief Trump passed was also passed alongside Democratic approval. The GOP opposed the second stimulus and we only got the second $600 because :bernie: threatened a government shutdown.
Trump's covid stimulus was a massive upwards transfer of wealth because of the PPP corporate slush fund. Biden's was a downwards transfer of wealth that cut child poverty nearly in half overnight.
Trump opposes all mask mandates. Biden extended one to federal property.
Trump ended unemployment expansion. Biden brought it back temporarily.
Trump scheduled the student loan pause to end. Biden keeps pushing it back.
Trump's judges overturned Biden's extension of the eviction ban. They may very well do the same for the vaccine mandate, which Trump never would have authorized.
None of this is a defense of Biden's handling of covid, which has been poor. There is absolutely no intelligent case that Trump's response was better, equal, or even close. If you tried to explain to a person who is not on the internet all the time why Trump handled covid better you would look foolish for good reason. There is no left-"Trump was better" argument. It's not based in any science or solidarity with frontliners/immunocompromised, it's a brainworms "own the libs" argument. It just completely falls apart when you look at the facts.
That’s why this is in ask chapo rather than tell chapo. Lol. Good points
This, as fucking terrible as the Dems are they at least can be forced to do good things. The republicans are just a fucking Fascist death cult.
Some. There are a few like McConnell who are a capital death cult, where capital doesn’t necessarily jive with the far right fascists, who in someways would be bad for capital policywise despite their subservience
There is no left-wing “Trump was better” argument.
Except for Trump being in office lit a fire under Democratic asses and made them go super hard contrarian on pandemic response. Now they can be more lax and it's okay because the rational adults are in charge and we don't have to worry about it anymore. To be fair, this isn't an argument that Trump's response was better, just that his presence caused Democrats to try a little harder. Even when Biden fucks up and does something wrong, the media coverage will be completely different or non-existent. So Biden's criticisms won't be front-page news an therefore not as prevalent in online discussions like this one.
Returning to this to dispute the downward distribution that cut child poverty in half overnight, considering that calculation (though accurate) included minimum wage increase. Doesn’t refute your point. But build back better no passing by that logic doubles child poverty
Yeah I think I overstated there with "by half", thanks for the correction. I'll find a better estimate. Bernie Tweeted out 40% from the CTC alone a couple days ago fwiw, but I'll see where the source is.
Not blaming you - it was advertised as such. Libs on twitter were parroting that shit. I am just tickled that I get an opportunity to tell them Biden Doubled child poverty since he didn’t reinstate it cuz manchin (I don’t think he wanted to anyway though tbh)
But it’s not necessarily covid related. That’s where progressives stuck it. Notable is that without this being extended there will be a doubling of child poverty overnight under Biden, which sounds worse than reducing poverty by half
But yeah, that also included the minimum wage raise - not sure what proportion that accounts for. Probably less than 20%, but still important.
Yeah, I still pin a lot of this on the CDC for prematurely saying no more masks back in may to get labor participation, inflation, and israel out of the news
At least there were riots under Trump. At least people by and large knew the government didn't give a fuck about their lives. Biden really is the "just sit down, shut up, and let the adults handle it" candidate.
When Trump wins 2024, that all goes away again, and a sizeable number of liberals realize instantly that nobody in the Democratic party is going to save us from the GOP or climate change or covid. Obviously, nobody in the GOP will save us from those either, but far fewer people will be delusional enough to just quietly wait another 4 years for Pete 2028 as a solution.
hah you think the left has a chance of getting into power. adorable. bernie, the squad, various "left" podcasts, the dsa, etc have only really worked to pull certain factions previously to the left of the dems into the party. the us left is d.e.a.d. right now. by far the weakest i've seen it in the last 20 years and that's saying something. more likely scenerio is some made-in-a-lab obama/buttegeig type candidate steals a bunch of leftist rhetoric and institutes some kind of free healthcare but its connected to a biosecurity, technocratic hellscape where our every thought and action is monitored.
The left is 100 years away from any meaningful lever of power, whether trump or Biden is president doesn't matter
Well Trump just like Biden is doing now, largely left covid response up to the states, iirc. Two things he did do though were the stimulus checks and the vaccine development, but I suppose the vaccine was going to get developed either way.
Trump also did ppp, unemployment, student loan pause. Biden either ended, didn’t extend, or will end all of these
Eh, that's an extremely charitable explanation of what Trump did.
PPP is literally a corporate slush fund, it's a good thing that Biden ended it.
Trump ended unemployment first, Biden brought it back on a temporary basis.
Trump scheduled the student loan pause to end even sooner than Biden is scheduling it to end.
Yeah, I suspect part of where the charitable read comes from us actions the democrats took in congress that trump passed - all of the above included. And in some cases had gop support. Nearly all of which were good for capital. But the dems in both chambers and presidency can’t even try that hard for obvious reasons. Hence the perception
So I definitely think in a haste trumps administration made some steps towards action that biden has the benefit of time to realize he can get away with doing less (read: virtually nothing).
Idk how much of that is necessarily trumps doing or just Congress under his admin tho. I do know that trump wanted to use the virus to hurt blue districts, which were hit harder by the virus the first year of the pandemic, for political reasons which is fucking horrendous honestly.
Biden seems to be just letting things coast which is pretty equally horrifying.
I’m pretty sure if trump had won we’d also have seen a curtailing of federal action around now as well, but that’s of course, speculation. I have no reason to think he’d continue to bail out the working class or anything tho(not that that’s what any action taken during the pandemic was about, it was just trying to get the drones over a hump so they’d go back to work), I think a lot of that was a reaction to how bad things had got in Europe early days.
All in all, america in general continues to be a dumpster fire regardless of whos at the helm
just go full Qtard and say that covid doesn't exist
it's not like evidence matters with chud concern trolls