Rice and beans is for those poor people 😭 Missing the essential nutrient of “living things suffering” that I need to live. I mean how else do you explain to things that don’t speak that you’re better than them in every way? Rice and beans only feeds the weak ass flesh water balloon you control, killing feeds the ego.

I’d rather switch to eating Dung Beetles because I can’t dominate beans. The rice has no fog of war or technology tree. I don’t understand how people eat without just killing absolutely everything in their path. I personally stopped buying beef from the grocery stores and just started going out into the fields at night to drain blood out of cattle’s neck. I also really enjoy eating live squirrels and rats I find while navigating the city via sewers in order to avoid my vampiric form from being seen by those poor poor human people.

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Also cooking food that doesn't have the potential to kill you if you forget which knife or cutting board you used to prepare it removes all the excitement from cooking a meal.

      • MF_COOM [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Having to clean all your kitchenware in the middle of cooking for fear of trichinosis isn't an "adult thing" it's a thing carnists have to do to survive. I, an adult, clean my dishes after I am done using them with no fear of fatality if I make a mistake.

        Also shut the fuck up loser

        • EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]
          6 months ago

          Having to clean all your kitchenware in the middle of cooking for fear of trichinosis isn't an "adult thing" it's a thing carnists have to do to survive. I, an adult, clean my dishes after I am done using them with no fear of fatality if I make a mistake.

          dude people have been doing that forever, carnists are literally just the average person with the ability to cook since we cut up animals for food.

          like theres a chance i can die from leftover pesticides on my fruits if i don't wash it first, but that doesn't mean i won't just clean it and still eat it.

          go back to the ethicality arguments, they are far far more effective toward our goals. These arguments sound out of touch.

          and also no, act like a fucking adult.

          • MF_COOM [he/him]
            6 months ago

            All I see is poo poo pee pee can't you say anything that isn't dumb?

              • MF_COOM [he/him]
                6 months ago

                I see your account is 5 days old so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. To be clear, this is a vegan sub for vegans. Carnist apologists are not welcome here, and carnist apologia a bannable offense. Take your shit out of this sub.

                Edit shit I was wrong I thought this was c/vegan honestly my bad comrade there's no way I would be this rude if I realized what sub we were in. OP is on the wrong for posting this here, and I should have been paying more attention. Sincere apologies. I'm leaving my comments up so people can see that I was in the wrong and being rude to you, but if you want I'll delete them.

                • EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]
                  6 months ago

                  the shit, as you stated earlier, is in my eyes sorry can't see the rules

                  one second dear fellow

                  pete-eat MONCH

                  ogay where were we


                  The only rule on this com i see is no anti nautilism tho, i haven't offended any vehicles of an oceanic nature you can't do this to me

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      6 months ago

      How else do you expect me to feed my gambling addiction? I've already sworn all my money to the casinos through short term loans, I've been banned from the slots. I'm immune to such diseases due to other circumstances, but goddamn if it doesn't feel like pulling the lever!

  • EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]
    6 months ago

    How to start a hexbear struggle session

    step one: mention veganism

    congratulations, you have started a hexbear struggle session

  • Yurt_Owl
    6 months ago

    Is quest to kill the basement rats vegan?

    • laziestflagellant [they/them]
      6 months ago

      Do you think that all the animal feed needed to keep your meat and dairy prices affordable is somehow harvested and processed with only the most ethical paid labor or do you only care about that when it's a gotcha to vegans

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      6 months ago

      Not eating meat as an individual is way easier to do than not having to participate in the market as an individual.

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      6 months ago

      I'm not a vegan but trying to compare exploited labor and killing animals is not the best argument

      Also kind of an L you fell for an obvious bait bit

      • EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]
        6 months ago

        Also kind of an L you fell for an obvious bait bit

        okay but why are we doing the obvious bait shit, its annoying

    • Satanic_Mills [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      Even accepting the premise of the argument Veganism still wins as abattoirs have uniquely fucked working conditions.

      You aren't going to get PTSD from picking fruit.

      • EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]
        6 months ago

        You aren't going to get PTSD from picking fruit.

        do you remember where we get out bananas and cocoa or like

          • EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]
            6 months ago

            i've gone hunting for years and never gotten ptsd from that so like skill issue tbh

            but fr tho the modern industry for meat is probably the most horrific its ever been. Vegan or no it obviously needs huge reform. The funny thing is, the meat industry has (according to several books and studies) completely taken the taste out of meat. meat is bland because of factory farming, but organic farms are far far more satisfactory. But we'll never change to it under capitalism because its 'not cost effective'.

            the meat industry ruined meat, ironically enough

  • Comp4 [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Taking a bloody bite out of the investment banker I just caught

  • RION [she/her]
    6 months ago

    A simple 8x8 grid of cellulose cell walls