>arrives one hour late at press conference
>speaks for five minutes about how russia is totally definitely gonna invade
>refuses to elaborate
Proving once again that Biden could absolutely be as funny as Trump, if they only would let him off the leash a little. I just want Primary Biden back again man :sadness:
Suppose Russia wishes to invade Ukraine. Before they can get there, they must get halfway there. Before they can get halfway there, they must get a quarter of the way there. Before traveling a quarter, they must travel one-eighth; before an eighth, one-sixteenth; and so on. That's why it's taking so long for it to happen.
I mean this is just facts. I'm a Russia-watcher now, thanks comrade.
Biden: He's gonna invade, I can just feel it with the tip of my tongue
Reporter: Sir, thats your ice cream
This is like the 3rd "official" date from US officials so far? And we've also blown past at least ~5 additional dates from the US media.
Someone make Q drops but it’s about Biden outmaneuvering Putin and making him push the invasion back
I should not have read those comments. How are Americans still so gullible?
Listen Mr. Khrushchev you gotta back the heck off or we're havin a push up contest by the pool and the loser is buyin the frosty chocolate milkshakes :biden-harbinger:
Putin has made the decision on whether or not to invade ukraine. The decision was not to invade, but...
At some point Putin is going to invade just to get the yanquis to shut up about it.
Amusing they picked Feb 20th, Imma be that guy, its the start of the US' Pluto return, so I'm assuming absolutely nothing happens since that's not what the US wants and it reveals the US for what it is to the world, or things spiral horribly out of control.