The world's greatest deliberative body in action!
Any single senator could have blocked the daylight saving bill from passing but many didn’t know it was even happening. Sen. Rick Scott, a permanent daylight saving time proponent who signed a similar bill into law when he was governor of Florida, said he would have gone to give a speech on the Senate floor if he had known. Asked to recreate his reaction to the news, Sen. Chris Coons issued a series of shocked stammers that is impossible to phonetically translate.
One Senate source with knowledge of the situation said Sen. Tom Cotton vehemently opposes making daylight saving time permanent.
“No comment,” Cotton told BuzzFeed News when asked if he opposed the bill.
The source said that Cotton would have objected to the unanimous consent request except his staff never told him it was happening.
Instead of reading this as a fun little footnote to history, read it as how difficult and impossible it is to implement any sort of change within this system. It's designed to be as obstructive as possible.
I love how they teach us that the obstruction is there to make the legislature more serious, instead of 50% "all change is bad, especially revolutionary change" and 50% "we must surround our legislators with an army of interns and half-understood unwritten laws to prevent them from accidentally declaring war on the tides."
It was designed to reassure Virginia that slavery would never be banned because the system was too obstructive in return for them paying a higher proportion of revolutionary war debt
you get it. Ironically if the confederacy had never seceeded they would have been able to block all anti slavery legislature. Fortunately living in the dumbest timeline came in handy for once
Not really, the abolitionist all knew that the system would never ban slavery, if it wasn't for the civil war there would have been a communist revolution by 1880
Honestly given the type of people we have in the government maybe it's ultimately a good thing that it's so hard for them to get shit through
Amazing how this can just... happen. Where was the Senate Parliamentarian? Where was Joe Manchin, standing athwart history and shouting "Stop!"?
I wonder if this will survive the House, or if it'll get strangled down by a coalition of lump headed Dem committee chairmen, cutting deals for empty promises from their Senate counterparts.
Senator C. Montgomery Burns (R-Springfield), currently hospitalized after being shot by a baby, was unavailable for comment.
It'd actually be great if this got bogged down and groups came out to fight it "The No Sunshine Party" (NSP) diehard MAGA who want to keep the clocks changing as american tradition. Insrumental in getting President Tucker Carlson elected in 2024. "The radical left wants you to stop changing your clocks twice a year AND take your penis away".
Sen. Marco Rubio said he initially planned to bring up the daylight saving bill Monday, but Sen. Roger Wicker had placed a hold on it and his flight was delayed. The consent request was bumped to Tuesday so that Wicker could block it, but he never did.
We just gotta get the parliamentarian to start flying Spirit
Bill Title "Reaffirming Abolition of Doing Away With DLST"
Bill Contents: Universal Single Payer Healthcare...
“I was surprised that someone didn’t object,” [Sen. Kyrsten Sinema]
They heard "Sunshine Protection Act" and assumed it was just another police funding bill
Totally functional state lmao
This is good tho, about fucking time we ditched that shit
Libs love to be saying we're just not smart enough to understand legislation. You wouldn't get whyyyyy pelosi has to kill bill after bill of things people want.
But then things like this just prove on the face of it that's bullshit
Remember when Rand Paul filibustered the Patriot Act renewal and they just voted on it the next day? But we had to take what we could get with the ACA because we were only gonna get one shot at it. I've lost count of the amount attempts they've had at undoing it though.
Yeah this would be a case of it's not complicated so much as very dumb
The source said that Cotton would have objected to the unanimous consent request except his staff never told him it was happening.
Cotton's staff should accidentally do more of this.
"We're looking for a sort of skinny middle aged Caucasian male with short black hair..."
It's not an irrational outcome of an otherwise rational system. It's a rational outcome of an irrational system.
How has noone thought of simply holding a primary without letting the Dems know about it?
Sen. Chris removed issued a series of shocked stammers that is impossible to phonetically translate.
I wish they'd tried though. I wanna see "Agihhuhwhabutwha" in print
“I was surprised that someone didn’t object,” [Sen. Kyrsten Sinema] told BuzzFeed News the next day, while noting that Arizona does not change its clocks, “because we’re smart.”
Citation needed.
I like to imagine she was talking about U.S. senators as "we". Heh.
Sen. Chris removed issued a series of shocked stammers that is impossible to phonetically translate
He began speaking in a devilish tongue, unknown and incomprehensible to any human ears.
Beginning to believe someone is experimenting with simply SAYING such and such passed a vote is enough to make them believe it, not like any of them actually read the things they vote on