I'm inclined to agree. This man does not deserve such mercy.
Straight in the pit he goes.
"Why focus on this specific child when we are killing so many other children?" is a pretty incredible defense
Think that a child that has been stuck in a car with their dead relatives crying for help for hours, and then got blown up along with the paramedics who had permission to help is pretty obviously just evil. There have been Zionist talking heads saying that Hamas uses ambulances, but in that case why not just arrest them when they’re asking for permission or blow up the ambulance before it arrives?
It is just cruelty for the sake of cruelty. That is the reason that this specific incident is used. Nothing for the genocide cheerleaders to hide behind.
I seriously don't get how someone could arrive at this point.
Sure, there are ways to explain it on like an ideological/material level I suppose, but there is still something there that I just don't understand. It seems alien to me.
It is what idealism does to a mf.
Idealists interpret events as mere instances of a larger struggle between abstractions like “good and evil” or “God and the Devil”. Or in the present circumstance, “democracy versus autocracy”.
It is simple to ignore material reality when one substitutes their own abstract reality in its place. Or if ignore is too strong of a word, then justify.
These anarcho-Bidenists will sooner nuke the world to glass before they realize that the struggle of the 21st century isn’t between democracy and autocracy.
Their belief that others (in this case non-whites) are subhuman
I ask the same question, yet I don't want to understand this evil
"may i ask why people care about this dead child?"
you may! but the catch is, doing so gets you fed to ravenous polar bears
How about I interst them in some Oil Barons who are responsible for the degredation of the arctic habitat? they are slightly less toxic
Are we sure a wood chipper is painful or terrifying enough for him. Like I know the bear would not waste time with the kill and we could prolong death artifucaly with the wood chipper, but we could atleast cause more fear with the bear. How do we bring the fear back with the wood chipper
Both of these are unnecessarily cruel. We are above such things. If isolation from society and reeducation are not enough and he must be permanently removed from society, the execution method should be swift and humane.
funny bit idea: we let me do with our enemies what i will and when i'm through you lot can put me down humanely
kinda like sin-eating, but with bears. and more proactive.
... Why do I have a suspicion that I will know its you when I meet you during the revolution because you will be the one with the army of bears.
There is a line for me, and that line is not careing children are dieing... also Post revolution I would have a much better case agreeing with you, but we are still pre revolution
I am good with the feet first, and I will also agree we should not posion the bear with this clearly toxic human, however I just feel he should feel the fear of being hunted aswell. Like there is genuine terror if a bear was coming for you, that I do not feel the wood chipper has
This is the PERFECT plan, though I want you to change "if" to "when"
Imagine caring about the feelings of fascists
They get put somewhere they can't hurt anyone and that's all that matters
Not being content with being indifferent to dead children the brave man must ask why other people care.
My question is why did so many pro Israel networks run this story?
The gulags are too kind for this lot, a wall and a red stain is all they deserve
This is John Aziz’s audience coming home to roost, he’s a “Palestinian peace activist” who wrote one article for the Atlantic and has “found a niche as a Palestinian who will criticize our side”
The internet as a mechanism for desensitization needs to be studied more. Jfc