There is no difference between posting and being president you imbecile. You fucking moron
being happy someone survived a deadly health crisis and is recovering is exactly the same thing as propping up a guy who cant remember where he was that morning to run the country with the largest nuclear stockpile on the planet, sure
Being a podcast host is the same thing as holding the nuclear codes, actually
The will to post is too strong for Matt. He's been holding it in for too long. He needs the release.
Genuine invalid Matt Christman.
"It's a stutter!", fucker just never stutters when he's doing something incredibly evil.
One of those Rationalist™ dorks wrote a trillogy about a gestalt consciousness that developed out of computer network protocol. It only achieves sentience when a blind girl is given computer camera eyes. The biological signals of human vision, translated into machine code, allow it to see alongside her and work out what it is. Eventually, her parents find out she's been chatting with an "AI person". To test this stranger danger scenario, her father sends the bot a. m.e.s.s.a.g.e. w.r.i.t.t.e.n. l.i.k.e. t.h.i.s. When Mister Information Superhighway immediately responds back with "Syntax error, unable to parse", her father concludes that yes infact his daughter has achieved contact with higher consciousness.
Apparently twitter users are even less capable of parsing meaning from unusual grammatics.
Matt is still not well enough to be recorded talking to his friends for 1-1.5 hours straight twice a week. I don't think that speaks well of Brandon.
Now that Matt had a stroke, he's qualified to be a senator at least. Unfortunatly, he has a daughter so we have to preserve his humanity.
See this is why Matt should be posting here during his recovery