"creates additional breeding"
that's definitely how a human speaks
They forgot to couch their eugenicist talking points in neutral sounding scientific language to make it more lib palatable
Instead of “additional breeding” (fash, gross, crude) you are supposed to say “increase the carrying capacity” (scientific, neutral, amoral)
They'll just pivot to the good ol' "uncivilized savages breeding like rabbits" racism
Modern university ethics most certainly will have eugenics built into them. It’s a foundational aspect of the imperial core’s ideology.
Modern western ethics have its root on utilitarianism, which is basically a philosophy made by the ruling class to answer the question "what is the minimum amount of food our serfs need, really?". That's why the history of ethics instead of being a history of improving goodness, instead is a history of blunting its inherent horribleness.
"Fine, maybe we shouldn't torture people"
"Fine, maybe neurodivergents are people too"
"Fine, maybe we shouldn't do psychopathic serial killer shit on animals... just a little bit maybe? Pretty please?"
I was assigned Garrett Hardin in three different philosophy classes at two different universities.
This guy: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/the-tragedy-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons/
it's hard to believe the tragedy of the commons is taken seriously as an argument when we literally had commons that worked fine for hundreds of years
"People will ruin the commons because everyone cares only for their own gain, which is why control of the world's environment and resources needs to be in the hands of corporations each of which has no goal but to maximize its own profit"
the commons were well regulated initially what happened was around the time of the industrial revolution rich people especially the new bourgeoise class used their wealth and access to all the armed bodies of men they had lying around and stole shit and ignored the regulations. The tragedy of the commons rests on a historically inaccurate model of common ownership where everyone is free to do as they please
they then built a bunch of fences around the land they stole from everybody else and the law said it was theirs now
Ymmv but my most recent university ethics class was basically to drill into biologists “Eugenics is bad don’t do it”
The more concerning part was that they tried to instill in us that it’s good and right to waste resources and even animal lives to protect the “confidentiality” of someone whose paper was submitted for peer review.
I had an ethics class that told us that negligence in designing safety features was very bad and we shouldn't do it. something about someone might get hurt
If you're interested in the way that Eugenics has scaffolded the entire fields of biology and ecology, the book Ghost Stories for Darwin is fantastic.
Imagine unironically identifying with the Three Arrows movement lmao
"Yes I'm anticommunist, but I'm also anti-the things that oppose communism."
And shock of shocks, their opposition to those anti-communist things evaporates on the slightest push
unironically identifying with the Three Arrows movement
"Yeah we are world-renowned loosers that lead to fascism, lessgoo"
Or is either totally ineffective in the best case, or just performative in the most cases.
I hate these fuckers so much. Their whole thing is just admitting they wanna hang out with brownshirts and kill striking workers.
Remember there is only one thing to do in response to these social fascists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzBCiyDkXPw
also do we have a Thalmann emote?
:manhattan: I grow weary of the "western left" and their thinly-veiled reactionary shit.
the point he's too lib to make is that we should give the exploited nations agricultural equipment
yeah the assumption that we can and should control their "breeding" really conveys that he thinks of these people in the same terms as livestock or pests.
Even that would be a lib milquetoast thing cuz the colonies remain agricultural colonies.
I suppose I somewhat naively assumed that the people of those nations already owned the land
Sure, the 1% tho
But I was talking about the division of the world in
empire"industrial countries" andcolonies"agricultural countries".Oh my bad, now they call it "central and peripheral"
Communism is when you have arrows, and the more arrows you have, the more communister it is
Stalin, grinning, pulls a comically oversized quiver from behind his back
Stalin himself 360noscoped all the nazi troops in WW2
was this before or after he had the comically large spoon made
After, he couldnt keep his strength up on an empty stomach after all!
coudn't spare an arrow for capitalism huh? :thinkin-lenin:
Logic is when you repeat from a "modern university ethics class", regardless of who said it or if it's a eugenicist talking point
To be fair, giving them food is not enough, they need seeds, farm equipment, fertilizer, and some good soil to feed themselves, but you never heard that alternative option.
So you saying they need capital? Hmm, there's no free capital lying around so we can only redistribute the already owned.
almost like they have been alienated from the commons and the land to reproduce themselves. :curious-marx:
Did this guy hear chuds say antifa are the real fascists and take it as a challenge?
Teaching "lifeboat ethics" without explaining that it's founded on malthusian thought which is empirically wrong is functionally malpractice when it comes to teaching ethics.
yeah. also, I'm definitely poking fun at the three arrows here. I think it's equally likely that his professor taught ethics correctly and he had the wrong takeaway.
also, imagine unironically using the term "breeding" to refer to human reproduction. someone is either knee-deep in the eugenics movement or spends way too much time reading kink fan fiction. or both.
Looks like someone reached for the 'people are not starving to death' jar and accidentally grabbed the 'those people are having too many babies' jar again. They should really stop putting those next to each other.
Oh, you know what it looks like when Nazis do Nazi shit? Guess that makes you a Nazi. I'm very smart.
--this person, probably
How can I be a eugenicist when I NEVER LEARNED TO READ?!
Checkmate, Commie.