I wonder if you could do this for like... All Parenti. It might make him even more watchable for people that struggle with just watching lectures.
Put Parenti and his little speech pedestal in a streamer window, collect and roll footage and occasional music edited over what he's talking about.
Especially if it can be condensed like this. This is great bite sized agitprop.
@Eugene_V_Dabs a project that will bring you out of retirement?
Especially relevant right now regarding Russia and Ukraine.
Edit: lmfao this gem from the comments
Authoritarianism is always bad, democracy and power of the people should be the guiding rule. Totalitarianism is not the way forward, it is violent and regressive. This is why I believe in social democracy.
Good music tho, what's it's called?
Someone needs to tell that nerd all the social democrats got shot by the Nazis and other fascists in history.
Idealist :brainworms: are so incredibly powerful, it's almost scary. Libs have an amazing capacity to ignore material reality in favor of the imagined.
Good stuff.
Love 'Viol' too. Imagining an armed communist army with berets and hipster beards and AK47s taking back the centre of Paris on fixed-gear bikes. :stalin-feels-good: :sicko-biker:
I know this is from WWI but it was the first thing that came to mind.
This is great, and I adore Parenti. But I don't 100% agree with his take on the development of Russian state power, specifically. Some of that did start with leftist infighting, as well as the revolution against the tsarists and kulaks.
The KGB existed as much because of internal divisions as external divisions. I think the south american revolutions were more complete and less fraught and had less of a need for military state apparatuses absent the outside interference from the US and the West.
The Tsarists were propped up by the west. The west fought directly on the side of the white army and funded them.
Plus, the KGB predates the CIA and its existence was a driving force in the consolidation and nationalization of capitalist security firms. So he has the cause and effect backwards there.
yeah. like, Parenti obviously knows his shit better than I do. but anyone can misspeak or slip up or whatever every now and then. especially if you talk and write so much. it's that many more chances to make a mistake.