Personally I'm pretty picky when it comes to communist flags. The soviet, Chinese and Vietnamese flags are all classics, but very basic, and all have the same colour pallet. Nothing really differentiates these from any other commie flag. The GDR flag was kinda cool, kinda lame. They just slapped their icon on top of the old national flag. Any flag that just puts a communist icon on an already existing flag isnt that interesting to me, like a lot of american flags just replace the stars with a hammer and gear or something.

Best communist flag? DPRK. Its distinctive and communist. The s tarry plough of the Irish communist movement is very cool, and keeps the same style of the traditional Erin flag. There's a simplified starry plough, but it has a lot less identity

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    plain red flag, no symbols, no embellishment, just a red rectangle
    simple and universal

    • Quimby [any, any]
      2 years ago

      an obvious advantage of simple flags is that they are easy to make, draw, reproduce, incorporate into other symbology.

      the disadvantage, of course, is that they can overlap, get confused with, or get coopted by other uses and symbols.

      For example, the classic red of leftism somehow becoming conservatism in the US.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      This is the best one because if nothing else you can always color the flag with your blood.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The DPRK has a really good flag but my favourite remains that of the USSR, especially in the 1936-1955 version. It's true to it's revolutionary origins, it's simple, it gets the point across quite unambiguously and it still makes reactionaries seethe.

    With that being said I like the Cuban approach of keeping the old flag and associating themselves with past national liberation leaders, thereby robbing gusanos of a rallying point.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      The weird thing about the Cuban one though is that it means the gusanos just use the normal Cuban flag even though they’re anti-Cuban and it’s very confusing. If I see a USSR or China flag outside someone’s house or something I’m like “They're probably cool” if I see a Cuban flag I steer clear

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      I really like that quote. Adams I can take or leave, but that quote is a good sum up of what I think humanity should work towards.

    • Vncredleader
      2 years ago

      I think on some level Adams did stand for that, in the sense that his son continued his abolitionist sentiment and lived by it, albeit in a way that didnt accomplish much

  • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    the Spanish third Republic's (and more radical variants of it ) is really cool because they took the old one & changed a color into an even more pleasing pairing. Purple is really rare on flags because of imperial/expensive connotation but its the goddamn 20th century purple aint been prestigious for 500 years

    a good flag for this site is the mexican liberal party's and speaking of the mexican revolution, modern Zapatistas' flag fucking rocks. a consideration for non sectarian org would be to have a design that could accommodate the main color being either red or black

  • crime [she/her, any]
    2 years ago

    Angola's flag is my fav. Black and red with the gold cog and machete :cog-and-machete:

  • Tiocfaidhcaisarla [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    The starry plough always seemed too busy for me, the stars just exploding off an overly detailed plough.

    It's basic but the old communist party of Germany, the KPD, just putting a hamsic and star large and in center is cool. Plus it inspired the even more based later KPD ML flag.

    I also like the Vietnamese NLF flag since it adds some blue and looks like what Arizona should aspire to be.

    The 2nd Spanish Republic flag was great, love some purple.

    I think the SSRs should have had their basic soviet derived flags used for their respective parties or something and had their own and autonomous regions flags be designed by those people in them to give some more diversity and identity.

    Cuba and the DPRK definitely have more going for them generally though, but I love my communist imagery.

    • Vncredleader
      2 years ago

      Least most parties use the simplified starry plough.

      Also I am pretty sure the SSRs did at least submit the designs they ended up with. They just had to include specific elements to promote the union.

      I do wish they stuck with the more unique ones though, I found this incredible site with a history for just about any flag the USSR had, like take a look at Armenia and the submissions they had

      I love this one and this

      • Tiocfaidhcaisarla [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Unfortunately those links all go to the same homepage, but I was able to look through them and yeah, the Armenian submissions are really cool, colorful, some great designs that they and other SSRs created and I think would have been a unique way to represent each one. If only the USSR are still around, what could have been :ussr-cry:

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    My favorite hypothetical communist flag is this one from Kaiserreich. Give me a simple color combination and a symbol, could be a mono- bi- or tricolor, could be an emblem in the middle or in the corner. Pass on anything that's too intricate like a ton of tiny stars or a bunch of thin stripes.