As a basic timeline, in a megathread I asked @podking if the podcasts in the dump weren't vetted to include warnings for content not allowed on the site specifically transphobia, both hosts of the BAR pod are known transphobes and listed such on the transmap site listed as a resource on the transenby comm. They are transphobic, the podcast is transphobic, end of story with that. They responded and said "it’s lmaoooo apparently some of y’all need a trigger warning" and then I made a post in the transenby comm bringing this response to attention and people were not happy with their response, which resulted in the poddump thread being unpinned and locked.

I've noticed some users and some fresh accounts who probably just came here for the dump asking where it was. And it seems like @podking still has the ability to edit the locked post (or edited it shortly before it being locked, mods please let me know which) where they one included a link to what I assume is their site for the pod dump and also the navy seal copypasta which is weird wrecker behavior to do similar to their initial reply about the trigger warnings and some of their other since removed comments when confronted about it . I really think there's something not right about this. They're not banned (which they shouldn't be if they apologize to the trans community ), but still haven't apologized and are still sending script edits to the post ? @PorkrollPosadist @marxisthayaca if you have any more information about how the post is being edited / if podking reached out to you directly or something ...

If people are just gonna keep on complaining maybe it's best to pin something about it, include the link to his site and say we don't endorse it, idk (edit : there has been a temporary thread pinned that explains it so at least people will stop asking about it / can access the content)

  • silent_water [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I don't think locking a thread prevents anyone from editing their posts in that thread. that podcast is hosted by two abhorrent people but idk what mods can do but delete the whole thread, which does legitimately have useful resources.

      • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Apologizes for which part? Posting a link to a torrent that contains the metadata info to retrieve the pod, or the copypasta? It seems like the newest torrent they posted is free of not just the podcast in question, but of several others that could be perceived as promoting problematic or hateful views. The pod is gone. It seems like a victory, and that podking has responded to community concerns. I imagine they have devoted a lot of time and effort into maintaining the project in the spirit of sharing, and that being asked to change the feed in a matter that they didn't necessarily agree was correct may have had them miffed, but they did so anyway in support of community wishes.

        • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
          2 years ago

          Apologizing for posting a link to a transphobic podcast run by two infamous transphobes, then mocking people for "wanting trigger warnings because you dont agree with the podcast" and then explicitly denying that a statement like "Trans men should be referred to as female because they can give birth, only biological sex exists" is transphobic, and calling the people that uttered this statement centrists and denying that they are even transphobic.

          He has not responded to any community concerns since making and having these comments deleted by mods for transphobia. I'll be good faith here and assume you just didnt read what he wrote about the transphobic podcast.

          • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I thought the "trigger warning" remark was by the podcasters. I misinterpreted. That is not great. As for that being a centrist position in today's political climate, probably not. But the center in US is pretty damn reactionary. Dude writes anti-trans pieces for the atlantic, which is pretty centrist and pretty reactionary

          • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I thought I followed the context, and thank you catching me up. I appreciate you being good faith as I was trying to be with podking, but in the context you provided it seems I was being overly generous with them.

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
            2 years ago

            The "blocked and reported" podcast is not in the week 17 torrent, the most recent one. It seems like podking did respond to the criticism by removing the criticized content.

            • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
              2 years ago

              Personally at least I think its bullshit to just quietly remove it and hope everyone forgets about the time he had a meltdown and started yelling ableist and transphobic shit at people for expressing inarguably reasonable concerns over sharing transphobic content.

              I think the mods are entirely correct in not just demanding that the content be removed but also that apologies be made for that kind of blowup.

          • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I didn't realize that OP made the "trigger warning" remark. That is antagonistic, even if passively.

          • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
            2 years ago

            After full context I want to say I completely agree. I wrote without understanding every interaction. My bad. I am thankful that you have worked to keep this a good and welcoming community.

        • HodgePodge [love/loves]
          2 years ago

          Apologizes for which part? Posting a link to a torrent that contains the metadata info to retrieve the pod, or the copypasta? It seems like the newest torrent they posted is free of not just the podcast in question, but of several others that could be perceived as promoting problematic or hateful views. The pod is gone. It seems like a victory, and that podking has responded to community concerns. I imagine they have devoted a lot of time and effort into maintaining the project in the spirit of sharing, and that being asked to change the feed in a matter that they didn’t necessarily agree was correct may have had them miffed, but they did so anyway in support of community wishes.

          I checked and they didn't do that, but maybe I'm missing something? What link are you looking at?

          • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
            2 years ago

            The link for the most recent week. 17 is the most recent one I got, but that was a day or two ago.

            • HodgePodge [love/loves]
              2 years ago

              The post the mods removed hadn't been updated in like... two weeks or something though. Maybe I'm undercaffienated or something. Can you reply with the link?

      • silent_water [she/her]
        2 years ago

        agreed, I meant in the absence of that, since he's tripled down on reactionary BS, instead.

    • Ideology [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Just redraft the thread under a new owner and ban the chud. Simple as.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        2 years ago

        The "chud" is the one making the torrents available. If you ban them, it doesn't matter who "owns" the thread, the torrents stop getting posted.

        • Ideology [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Well yes, but others have stated concerns that some of the links were actually good. I was speaking to that and pointing out that it's an easy fix.

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
            2 years ago

            It solves the issue of possibly bigotry (I haven't read their comments), but the links are updated weekly with new (edit)weekly(edit) torrents. Banning the user ends that.

            • Ideology [she/her]
              2 years ago

              Realized too late that I misunderstood your post. That is a pickle. But aren't most of the good podcasts out there available for free anyway?

              • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                2 years ago

                Yeah, but these roundups are for the patreon eps. There's plenty of podcasts in the weekly torrent that I consider garbage (glenn greenwald, krystal ball & saagar enjeti, jimmy dore, etc) but there's also some gold in there like trillbillies, boonta vista, doughboys, antifada, and so forth. The feeds link in the OP may be plenty, if it just gets tossed in a pinned c/podcasts post.

                • Ideology [she/her]
                  2 years ago

                  I'm not much of a podcast fan. I prefer expropriating books from publishers myself. But imo, admitting that a reactionary has your comm by the balls sounds kind of pathetic and like a situation that needs to be fixed asap.

                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    I guess I don't really see how a free content tap has a semi-active comm by the balls, it's not like the guy mods the comm or even posts outside his thread. Not that I'm arguing against a ban or anything, the link to the index of all the feeds really accomplishes the task without the need for the user account.

                    • Ideology [she/her]
                      2 years ago

                      I guess I don’t really see how a free content tap has a semi-active comm by the balls,

                      Because this thread even had to be made in the first place. Like, I get that this is a very minor thing that shouldn't be making this much of a stink. But the slowness to act exemplifies a deference to users who aggregate content even when they pose a security risk. It's similar to how irl groups allowing toxically masculine members to gain enough power often has led to sexual abuse or people going to jail for adventurism, despite those members appearing like good comrades initially. Imagine if people found out (hypothetically) SeventyTwoTrillion was actually secretly working against the community or held extremely reactionary views in private. They shouldn't be in a place where they're irreplacable and someone has to make a metapost to convince others to do something about it.

                      • Abraxiel
                        2 years ago

                        A security risk, really? It's just a reliable slop trough.

                      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                        2 years ago

                        I just checked the most recent torrent update by podking and they did indeed remove the podcast they were criticized for, "blocked and reported". It appears they did respond to the complaint.

                    • HodgePodge [love/loves]
                      2 years ago

                      Agreed that “muh content” is not a good reason to allow hateful things to be posted in the community. But I was speaking more to OP as a human and the project that they created to share with others. those like most of us that can’t afford to subscribe to a ton of diff content. They have put real work and hours into this. Audio and torrent files don’t aggregate themselves, let alone provide the infrastructure to kick start the sharing of the torrent (Broadband, hard drives, etc). It’s real work combined with a real difference of opinion. You can’t expect to community to be monolithic. All this being the case they augmented their operation for the good of the community. That copy pasta was never my favorite, but it has been used for years here as an ironic way of representing responses to threats to the human ego. It could just as easily self-directed and ironic as passively antagonistic. Poe’s law etc. It’s ungenerous in terms of reciprocity to what this user has put together for sharing to read the worst possible interpretation into it. Not enough evidence to use the word “reactionary” imo


      • silent_water [she/her]
        2 years ago

        fwiw I'm not sure it's chud so much as the OP of that thread being detrans. it's hard for me to see that latter group, whatever their reactionary tendencies, as anything but fundamentally deserving of our solidarity, even if we do have to insist that blatant transphobia won't be tolerated.

        • Ideology [she/her]
          2 years ago

          That doesn't mean they have a voice here and they shouldn't be allowed to get away with "hoes mad" trolling when they try to undermine community decisions. This is 2000s era moderation lessons we're still not applying.

          If nothing else, another user should be the owner of the post and the original should be deleted.