If I ever stop posting hot takes they'll accumulate in my head and overheat my brain.
I have to ride the ragged edge between inspiration and your head cooking off like an old timey boiler explosion.
If I can't yell at CHUDs directly I need somewhere to yell about the CHUDs.
have you ever heard of the tale of black_mold_futures the unhinged? It’s not a story posters would tell you
I don't have a partner. I have a cat that thinks like this and I can hear those thoughts.
but I am not gonna listen to and obey a cat's thoughts. that would be fucked. and I am not fucked.
I was just doing stream of conscious hot takes about Ukraine and now my wife says she's going to bed.
I've stopped speaking to people the second they bring up Ukraine in casual conversation. I just go silent until they move on to another topic. Engaging only gets them to pull up a bunch of videos of people dying.