Was talking to a classmate about Cuba and told him how embargoes and meddling is one of the main reasons that Cuba is so isolated and behind in many fields compared to other countries.

He snarkily asks why Cuba cares about sanctions since they're communist and shouldn't care about capitalist trade. I reply with something like "because they're marxist, and marxists don't believe in utopia." He gives me a blank stare so I continued talking about how the post cold war system is capitalist, so regardless of what you truly believe in, you have to play according to their rules. If the the system was socialist, then any remaining capitalist country will have to play by the socialists' rules or be left out.

He then says that's proof that Cuba is a failed state because they can't produce everything domestically and need to rely on other countries and that capitalists wouldn't need to play by anyone's rules. I told him that if Taiwan became communist or was reunited with China, the US would be on its knees begging to have access to its technology (okay, I didn't say those exact words because I was trying to stay away from snark). He had no idea what I was talking about regarding Taiwan's tech, so I then brought up how there are more failing capitalist countries in Africa and the Middle East and Latin America than there are existing socialist countries - which for the most part, are doing much better.

He then went on about how religious people are stupid and how Islam is the cause of most of the major conflicts of the modern world without any sort of outside influence. At this point I just chuckled and he ended the conversation. :wall-talk: He's a self proclaimed liberal, though I believe it.

Guess his major

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Polisci, i know people in my second major with the exact same :brainworms: so it's gotta be that

    • ScotPilgrimVsTheLibs [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I studied poli sci and I was redder than Mr. Krabs at the time (still am). I deadass felt like there was a lot of shit I was not allowed to say, but I had to hint at subtly.

      If I had to do college over again, I'd probably just stick to history if the economy wasn't fucked or if I feel up to the challenge (and the economy was fucked): Engineering.

      • StuporTrooper [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Civil Engineering is one of the few engineering fields where you don't have to sell your soul to make good money.

        • ScotPilgrimVsTheLibs [they/them]
          2 years ago

          Hey, for what it's worth, political science did scratch my curiosity for civics and some public policy and now I am fully and unironically trainpilled. That, and I had a really good professor. Sure, they're a :LIB:, but I totally respect their word. Yeah, I would give my left nut to make American infrastructure that's environmentally friendly, efficient, and beautiful too. Make America fun, dammit.

          The main problem here is getting people to agree on trains. California's efforts to build a high-speed rail are embarassing, but I know damn well that it is being intentionally sabotaged, and that authorities are dragging their feet to build it, almost begging voters to come in and demand them to stop.

          • StuporTrooper [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I think it's less that there's intentional sabotage and more that the U.S. does not have productive capability for stuff like trains. We do on paper, but it's all subcontracted out twenty times and they skim so much off the top nothing ever get's done and they run out of money. Idk maybe on a project as big as California high speed rail there are intentional scam artists or saboteurs, but in general nothing can get done because everybody has to get paid first. Simply incapable of using our vast resources.

            But bridges need to get built so hopefully you can get into that.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Political science, with an emphasis on foreign policy lol. He told me his parents work for the FBI but I wasn't sure if he was kidding

      • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Sounds par the course. That kind of attitude is bred in those circles and anything dissenting against it faces a lot of pushback. Good luck to anyone with empathy coming out of those programs with it still intact.

        • Shoegazer [he/him]
          2 years ago

          The reason I know him is because he used to be in CS with me. So I'm sure he has some bazinga opinions but I haven't asked him about NFTs and crypto yet

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Huh, I did some international politics as a proto-socialist and did very well at it despite not doing the readings. This was undergrad tho. While it flubbed on Marxist stuff and took a lot of US hegemonic claims at face value, I didn't feel like it lent itself to bootlicking.

  • nmsl [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    what does this have to do with a "material understanding of the world"

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      2 years ago

      In America, geography and recent history are not prioritized in schools... or colleges, for that matter. Lefty circles end up being the best places to learn about this stuff. It is not ideal.

          • nmsl [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            but what does this have to do with materialism? its simply a statement, which I agree with

            • Shoegazer [he/him]
              2 years ago

              A lot of people, including this guy, believes that countries (typically socialist ones) exist in a vacuum and nothing they do or happens to them is ever a result - partially or wholly - of another party.

              • nmsl [none/use name]
                2 years ago

                but that's a position that has nothing to do with materialism. they believe cuba is a communist shithole, materially. there's nothing that makes your position more materialist than theirs.

                • Shoegazer [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  they believe cuba is a communist shithole, materially.

                  Yes, and their reasoning is mostly out of touch with reality. It's not different than saying Napoleon waged wars because he was short or Putin is invading Ukraine because he has a terminal illness that makes him fat

                  Or a more relevant example, at the end I mentioned religion. A lot of Muslims don't like the west. Is it because their prophets wrote about hating people with blue eyes in the Quran? No, it's a cop out for people who don't want to trace the origins of the conflict

                  • nmsl [none/use name]
                    2 years ago

                    Im not saying they arent out of touch with reality. Irrational, sure, poisoned by ideology, absolutely, but this simply has nothing to do with materialism. Materialism isn't just being in touch with reality, it is a philosophical position that has many versions. I really don't like how marxist terms are vulgarized and thrown around incorrectly.

                • Wheaties [she/her]
                  2 years ago

                  Big 'M' Materialism is the belief that the physical conditions of the world are the primary variables in how history unfolds. Ideology - beliefs, cultures, values - can and do influence history, but the Material will always take precedence.

                  In this example, the PoliSci Major believe Cuba's modern woes are the result of their communist ideology. While this is a belief about a material place that exists in the world, it is not a 'Materialist' analysis. The perspective is divorced from the historical conditions of the region. Cuba has been under U.S. embargo since the sixties. There have been numerous attempts by the Central Intelligence Agency to destabilize the government and assassinate leaders.

                  If historical factors are not present in an analysis, if one doesn't acknowledge that the woes of a given nation are not 100% the result of ideology, then the analysis is less Materialist - regardless of the conclusions reached.

                  • nmsl [none/use name]
                    2 years ago

                    Again, you are saying that the statement is not materialist because it is detached from reality. Notice how showing that it is detached from reality with evidence is already sufficient in refuting the statement, without involving materialism at all. Materialist here is only a rigid signifier that confirms whether something is correct/incorrect.

                    Besides, ideology is not seperate from a materialist analysis

                    • Wheaties [she/her]
                      2 years ago

                      Besides, ideology is not seperate from a materialist analysis

                      You are correct, I simplified for expediency's sake.

                      Materialist here is only a rigid signifier that confirms whether something is correct/incorrect.

                      I was under the impression Materialism was a first-princaples approach to understanding history. Is there more to it?

                • Ideology [she/her]
                  2 years ago

                  :jesse-wtf: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_materialism

                  • nmsl [none/use name]
                    2 years ago

                    what is your point? I can say something ridiculous like Hitler was the choice of the German proletariat and that national socialism is the inevitable result of imperialist capitalism and is the final mode of production. Is this now more historically materialist? You will use evidence to refute this claim, as you do with all ridiculous claims like "cuba is a communist shithole“, but "I am materialist and you are not" is not a valid evidence nor conclusion.

                    • Ideology [she/her]
                      2 years ago

                      Marx and Engels just threw historical facts out there and called them materialist all the time? The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon is just a description of the conditions leading to the rise of Napoleon, is the work itself more materialist than a summary of it? Are you saying we have to have a thesis and an editor to use the word?

                      At this point the word itself has evolved, as language does, to refer to history viewed through a marxist lens such that the facts are not distorted to liberal ideology. This has necessarily been in response to a political climate that increasingly lost itself in Baudrillard-style breakdowns of reality and propaganda through cybernetics. Making prescriptive claims about word usage are about as useful here as Spain trying to enforce standard Spanish in Latin America.

                      • nmsl [none/use name]
                        2 years ago

                        Marx and Engels was creating original work that disrupted mainstream consensus. They have wrote hundreds of pages on what materialism is/isnt and that is why when they used it, it actually meant something. There is no point in bringing up materialism when you are on a website for entertainment, neither is knowing history beyond propaganda particularly materialist. I am arguing this because I view this as a case of marxism being turned into a spectacle on the internet and diluted to the point of being useless and harmless. Whatever I agree with is materialist and marxist, what I percieve as reality is material conditions, everyone around me is a brainwashed liberal and only I am smart enough to be marxist. I then go on the internet to post about how I dunked on delusional liberals and lament at how stupid people are and how humanity is done for. Marxism is not for this.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              2 years ago

              The two conflicting beliefs and methods of analysis are materialism and idealism. Liberals are idealists which is the belief that human beings have ideas and then they shape the world around them according to those ideas. Communists on the other hand are materialists, which is the belief that material conditions shape the ideas that human beings have.

              It's materialist simply because OP recognises that Cuba's poor conditions are not created by communism (the idealist analysis) but by the material conditions inflicted upon it by American embargo and not by the political ideas that they have.

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    2 years ago

    love to live in the american political sphere where we only understand our problems in theoretical terms and never consider anything outside of what happened within the last 6 months outside of a few key events like hillary losing in 2016