So I hop on reddit (big mistake ik) and I see this headline about China performing forced sterilizations on Uighur women. I look at the article and is there any actual evidence? Of course not. Its some woman in a Turkish nail salon who claims she performed 500 abortions. I'd like to remind you that Uighur birthrates are only down 4% across China, likely a consequence of increased development.*

So how do the top minds at reddit react?

Modern day Nazis

Neo Nazis

I'd go with Turbonazis

And when people challenge this completely unsourced claim....

Skepticism is good but there is no reason to assume things are not worse than what is being reported.

Weird how this accounts ONLY posts are defending the CCP in their 2 years active. Weird considering the CCP has an active social media campaign paying people to deflect and defend them...

Why do people believe things that are likely just propaganda? Is it 9:00 AM at Langley or do all Americans have brainworms?

*Edit: Seems I misinterpreted this stat, the 4% is a national figure not specific to the Uighur people.

  • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    The blithe solipsism of your average reddit lib is a terrifying thing to see in action. If reddit told them that anyone who goes against US propaganda is actually a secret Chinese android, they'd have the mega-gallows built by noon

  • PbSO4 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I have this theory that anyone using the word "womb" is not only trying to manipulate the listener, but doesn't even care about trying to hide it. The term uterus is not so far removed from the common parlance that "womb" presents a more understandable alternative. It is useful only in that it is charged with emotional significance and, in the Christ-o-sphere, religious overtones. Bullshit word for dealing in bullshit. Uterus gang for lyfe.

  • acealeam [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Skepticism is good but there is no reason to assume things are not worse than what is being reported.

    Why do I bother

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There is actually an up-voted response citing the Nayirah Testimony in reply of the top comment. There is actually a good amount of skepticism in the comments and some people are wondering why the comments seem more skeptical now. Hopefully the people that read the comments will have the idea that there is more to it put in their head. However, most only read the headline and go from there.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      most only read the headline and go from there

      humanity's epitaph

    • VolcelVanguard [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Fair, but there's a pretty significant disparity in up-votes between the jingoistic responses and the critical ones

      • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah. Honestly, we gotta brigade if we aren't already.

  • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Things to remember about Reddit:

    1. It is astroturfed to shit. It is in no way user driven on the main subs.
    2. Its actual userbase self selects into either naive shitlibs or braying chuds. They both want uncontroversial content shoveled into their troughs and only engage to feel validated by it (this is literally the purpose of upvotes and downvotes.)
    3. The two previous combine to create a self contained consent manufacturing environment, which is ideal for marketing or propaganda campaigns. Reddit jokes about a "hive mind," but it's a real thing. The idea is to cultivate a community with a falsely curated consensus that pushes out undesirable narratives.

    This is probably how they make money, and how they pitch themselves to others. It's why they replaced traditional forums that used to do all this independently. Reddit allows manipulation and cultivation of specific subjects that was more or less impossible to do in fragmented bbs communities.

  • cresspacito [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Reminds me of when I commented on this thread about China = Nazis that was a news article with literally no evidence of anything, just some guy saying stuff. The account that posted it is sus AS FUCK too, perma posting and commenting about Uyghurs and also posting a link to Shapiro too, which doesn't exactly scream truth-lover

  • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I’d like to remind you that Uighur birthrates are only down 4% across China, likely a consequence of increased development.

    I think you misread the stats. Nationally birth rates are down 4% in China. But in Xinjiang it's down 24%, and other Muslim-dominated regions are down almost 60%. Say what you want about overpopulation, one-child policies, or neutralizing attempts at sovereignty, but there's some creepy population control taking place.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      birth rates do fall as a result of development and those regions were underdeveloped

      • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yes, but to go from double the national rate to under the national rate in just a few years is rather alarming.

        • bamboo68 [none/use name,any]
          4 years ago

          oh. why? seems like what would happen if birth control and sex ed were made universally avaible in an urbanising ,developing and heavily religious area...

          this is the same logic chuds use to say jews are doing white genocide in europe through cultural marxism lol.

          • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yeah, it's also the same logic Zionists use to defend apartheid. Check out the declining Palestinian birth rates. Surely it's urban development and nothing else!

            • bamboo68 [none/use name,any]
              4 years ago

              do you think palestine and inner mongolia are in any world comparable?

              here's HDI which isn't a great indicator but definitely is fairly reliable as far numerical values go, (GDP/Purchasing Power and HLI both heavily favor Xinjiang though (despite China's GDP being somewhere between 5 and 20% deflated due to half of its economy being public sector)

              HDI (2018) Xinjiang 0.731 HDI (2018) Palestine 0.690

              such as housing, which leads to artifical hosuing scarcity (that drives up housing costs an ** GDP** )

              So every indicator suggests socioeconomic quality of life is much much better in Xinjiang. People are richer, healthier, happier and have significantly better housing and healthcare.

              Chinese Healthcare

              Since 2006, China has been undertaking the most significant health care reforms since the Mao era. The government launched the New Rural Co-operative Medical Care System (NRCMCS) in 2005 in an overhaul of the healthcare system, particularly intended to make it more affordable for the rural poor. Under the NRCMCS, some 800 million rural residents gained basic, tiered medical coverage, with the central and provincial governments covering between 30-80% of regular medical expenses.[7] Availability of medical insurance has increased in urban areas as well. By 2011 more than 95% of the total population of China had basic health insurance, though out-of-pocket costs and the quality of care varied significantly.[

              (Property) Ownership rights

              Ownership rights are protected under Article 39 of The Property Law of the People's Republic of China, which gives the owner the right to possess, utilize, dispose of and obtain profits from the real property. However, this right has to comply with laws and social morality. It can harm neither public interests nor the legitimate rights and interests of others.[9] In general, rural collectives own agricultural land and the state owns urban land. However, Article 70 of The Property Law allows for ownership of exclusive parts within an apartment building, which endorses the individual ownership of apartments.



              This GDP has grown 269% (2007-2018).


              Since 2006, China has been undertaking the most significant health care reforms since the Mao era. The government launched the New Rural Co-operative Medical Care System (NRCMCS) in 2005 in an overhaul of the healthcare system, particularly intended to make it more affordable for the rural poor. Under the NRCMCS, some 800 million rural residents gained basic, tiered medical coverage, with the central and provincial governments covering between 30-80% of regular medical expenses.[7

              Healthcare availability has become available to 800 million (Xinjiang is the most rural province in China and benefitted disproportionately from this. Healthcare in China includes abortion and this procedure has become much more available in rural areas. Some abortions had historically been imposed as a way of maintaining the one child policy, which is a misnomer as I'll explain below.

              *No taxes in minority regions are required to be sent to the central government; all of it can be spent locally.[5] Minorities receive proportional representation in local government.[5] Higher-level jurisdictions ask lower-level minority areas to put forth "extensive efforts to support the country's construction by providing more natural resources" and in exchange gives them infrastructural subsidies such as personnel training, budgetary subventions, and disproportionate public works investments.[1][6] The Chinese government encourages business to hire minorities and offers no-interest loans to businesses operated by minorities.[1][5] Prominent government posts may be filled with "model" citizens who are also minorities.[7]

              Minority students applying to universities receive bonus points on the National Higher Education Entrance Examination (gaokao).[1][7][8] In 2009 authorities in Chongqing uncovered 31 high school students pretending to be members of a minority group in order to gain test points, and in 2011 Inner Mongolia authorities uncovered about 800 students pretending to be members of a minority group.[8] There is a system of universities exclusively for minority students.[5] The government established bilingual programs to help minorities learn Mandarin Chinese. Scholars are creating alphabets for minority languages that had not been previously written as a way of preserving those languages.[5]

              The Chinese government officially allowed minority parents to have more than one child per family instead of the one demanded for Han people as part of the one-child policy.[7] Rena Singer of Knight-Ridder Newspapers wrote that "In practice, many minority families simply have as many children as they want."[5][2] Singer wrote that the policies are meant to encourage assimilation instead of empowering minority blocs and "The idea is to give the minorities just enough power, education or economic success to keep them quiet."[5] An article by Nicholas Kristof in The New York Times describes the opposite effect: families that might have preferred to assimilate by identifying as Han instead maintain their minority identity, for the increased policy benefit and social opportunities.[7]*


              4.75 million out of 6.6 million Palestinians over 18 are unable to vote in Israeli elections that govern their lives.

              Every Chinese citizen of legal age (with minorities given preferential treatment) are encouraged to participate in the CPC, and the rate of minority participation has been increasing as a percentage of party membership.

              Today there are over 39,000 mosques in China, 25,000 of these are in Xinjiang, a north-west autonomous region.

              If you want some less quantitative evidence I'd suggest checking out this travel blogger's video, I think he's not politically motivated in his portrayal ( of course you are free to disagree) and the video is from 2018, before this propaganda battle started so he's not likely to be a plant.


              Heres a montage of economic development in XInjiang's regional capital Urumqi


              Here's a malaysian muslim youtuber's travel video


              You know the Media is willing to lie about Bernie, you know they're even willing to lie about war crimes, you know they are directly implicit in American imperialism, you know the New York Times lied to get us into Iraq, you know they are willing to mkae up names and reports and they will never ever face any consequences for it. You know they lied about Corbyn, you know UK media will and have lied to back up US media, you know Trump is in charge of federal agencies and there are neocons in alphabet soup agencies capable of manufacturing any story about China through their agencies and getting it published wherever they want. China's GDP grew 3.2 this quarter, the US GDP fell more than 30%. China's Yuan has been appreciating at a rate that indicates that even their deflated (relative to capitalist nations GDP) will surpass the US in net terms (already has considering purchasing power) US dollar hegemony seems to be receeding in a way that may make China a significantly more importnant economy, additonally the US still hasn't been hit by the coming stock market crash or eviction crisis, and political crisis is looming no matter the result in November.

              You better start believing in Cold Wars comrade, youre in one.



        • emizeko [they/them]
          4 years ago

          they also built a national high speed rail network in just a few years

          then there are programs like this one:

          • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yes, I'm sure the sight of TGVs prompted the Uighurs to stop fucking.

            Look, I get it. There were some dissident, domestic Wahhabist sects that didn't want to play ball, so China had to rein them in. But creepy population control is still dystopian population control.

            • emizeko [they/them]
              4 years ago

              you acknowledge in your previous comment that development (including infrastructure that massively changes economic opportunities) has a direct effect, and then attempt to erase all the other national focused investment, including the link I provided, with this kind of reductive misreading?

              eat my shit and hair

              • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
                4 years ago

                I'm saying it's all the above.

                Sure, there's some broad development projects, but to see birth rates halved in a little over a few years and think there's no hijinx involved baffles me.

                • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  "The information here is a bit muddy, so I'm gonna assume that genocide is happening" is a bit of a jump. Even western countries that try and hide this shit with the manufacturing consent media sphere can't hide genocide. It would be insane to assume that China is getting away with it and the only evidence is census data (released by China) and a couple Turkic separatists.

                  What's next? Believing everything insane they make up about the DPRK because "well something bad must be happening".

                • emizeko [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  you're filling the large gaps in your knowledge of Chinese domestic policy with the CIA line while a cold war ramps up

                  nobody thought you could build a hospital in six days either

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      let's see your sources on those birthrate numbers because I can't find them

      The population of the Uygur ethnic group in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has increased from 10.17 million to 12.71 million during the period from 2010 to 2018, showing a higher growth rate than other ethnic minorities in the data of the entire region, a Xinjiang regional government spokesperson told a press conference on Saturday, in refuting German "scholar" Adrian Zenz's accusations of Xinjiang restricting its Uygur population.

    • VolcelVanguard [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ah yeah my bad, I couldn't tell exactly what that stat was trying to say, I'll edit the OP.