People are conspicuously silent about the direct effects of increased CO2
99% of the conversation is about downstream climate effects. But nobody really talks much about the various health problems, changed biological patterns, from breathing in 20-50% more CO2.
Supposedly it's going to start causing measurably impaired cognitive ability at some point.
a captive market for premium breathables you say? Finally, it's all coming together
I gotta start bottling air now
Have a genuine gasp delivered to you by one of our airtrepreneurs in thirty minutes or get your money back, guaranteed! We also offer vintage pre 400ppm sealed designer gasps, only as long as supply lasts!
Respiratr - breathing life.
There are just so many reasons why we're watching the end of humanity and possibly all mammalian life on earth.
Making a smooth transition from lead poisoned brain to covid fog brain to elevated CO2 brain
do the best that your situation will allow, but also, like, fuck it all and have a good time.
All I can say is it's way too fucking late for a carbon tax. We need to shut all off as soon as possible, not tax it slightly.
Had some dark cope of "thank god green house gas is going to kill us all and the ruling class fools burned all the oil on SUVs and single use yogurt." Instead of somehow using it slowly to maintain power in this treat-powered, dead society for 1000 years"
Of course, the hell that comes next might be significantly worse, but I'm reading Brave New World right now, and well, yeah, burn it down
I wonder if they're really gonna build those plants that precipitate calcium carbonate out of the ocean so it can absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere or if it's just more bazinga brain nonsense
When will it be crushed up rock on farmland time
I understand why people don't stop consuming but I don't understand why carbon abatement is such a slow wind up
I wonder if they’re really gonna...
I'm convinced the US is going to spend effectively nothing on climate change on a federal level. Instead some time in the future (a decade?) the US will go all in on geoengineering. Libs will not only be happy back at brunch - they'll be lecturing us on how the most complicated, most risky, most challenging, most vital engineering problem in human history isn't actually that big a deal. Also - are we going to vote? Yes, the GOP wins at ~98% on every election but voting is still important symbolically.
I thought Biden and the dems would eventually pass a symbolic amount on climate. $50B to $100B? And in theory it's still possible they could pass something before the elections. But when Schumer says he nearly has Manchin "on board" that's just dem PR so the dems can claim that at least they tried.
wealthy people go to the cold areas, black rock buys up all the property, most of us are homeless, there is nowhere to go, millitary police everywhere, prodding us and beating us, they feed us literal poison in homeless encampments or inject us with something, most of us die from this or infections, some new pandemic that would have been completely treatable, this is how it's probably going to go down
you guys see that shit about high carbon dioxide levels making you less intelligent?
ya we're all gonna die the walls are closing in it's going to get really really fucking bad