• Darkmatter2k [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The left is soo desperate to have an Opponent to Pelosi, that they're willing to ignore all the shit thats been released about this grifter from people who are actually involved in left organising and are not a silicon valley lobbyist.

      He has no chance against Pelosi, he has no ground game, he keeps prioritizing esoteric podcasts that bolster his media profile over doing the hard work of running a campaign. Multiple voices from independent media have come out against him, he's wasted 2 election cycles against Pelosi now, and seems to be positioning to run for her district again when she finally retires, thinking that he'll have a chance due to his public profile.

      This is an obvious grifter and again the desperation of the rigged US electoral system have people parking their brains at the door and believe any person who speaks vaguely against the establishment (and lets be real its very vague). Just a depressing waste of effort on this guy.

    • MirrorMadness [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Hey fair enough for the SF parts, but the "being fucked" discourse is a common expression for the accuser, and has in fact been the language she inappropriately used with other women with men. I'm neither here nor there on Shahid, but not sure the claims are valid, given that A LOT of people who know her don't believe her https://medium.com/@ThatsJacqueline/the-many-faces-of-elizabeth-croydon-1de9f3a91482

    • SimMs [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      you really busted out the "fuck him" because he didnt have ground game? lmfao the state of this sub

  • modsarefascist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the left falls for this stuff way too often. have any rando claim a person is a sex pest and bam, dead career for the lifelong leftist. as if a conservative would never ever use a movement like metoo in a disgusting self-serving manner....

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    as far as I can tell the allegations amount to brushing past someone at a crowded party, once, from a person whose record of false claims is attested to by a dozen people

    • NonWonderDog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Apparently they’ve both performed at the same open mic or something (her doing stand-up, him doing godawful spoken word), which makes them coworkers. Therefore it’s an inappropriate relationship for him to talk to her in a manner that could be construed as hitting on her.

      Or at least that’s the most I’ve been able to gather about why this is "sexual harassment" instead of just "getting turned down." Because since when is "sexual harassment of an acquaintance" even a thing?