I googled the phrase "what can Biden do" and I here's some of the results I found.
....so apparently quite a bit?
I've managed to stay pretty calm about things so far but this liberal playing dumb is going to manage to make me mad.
So what's the deal, they want to avoid thinking less of their boy Biden that they convince themselves the president can't do anything?
They've stumped me on the what can he do question before. They're so good at playing dumb that they got me to believe, even if I personally didn't know the answer right then, that they wouldn't be findable with a google search.
Damn just google it.
the liberal line that checks and balances mean Biden can't do anything at the same time that they claim that Trump used the powers of the presidency to do whatever he wanted is so so dumb
Trump the ImPeRiAl PrEsIdEnT