    7 months ago

    FYI this newspaper is considered left wing in the media spectrum

    Also they're the biggest anti-China hawks, totally lost their minds over Xinjiang allegations

      • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        There's a reason why there can't be a long-term socialism without national liberation, solidarity and cultural progressivism... with whatever this shit is...

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        7 months ago

        "Liberation for me, but not for thee."

        Pretty accurately sums up most demsoc center-left movements in the global north actually. They just want the spoils of colonial looting to be distributed more evenly, like thieves wanting a bigger cut of the prize.

      • Fishroot [none/use name]
        7 months ago

        The funny thing is Sartre, one of the founder of Libération eventually abandon the USSR when it went out of style for ''Maoism'' in the late 60s

          • Fishroot [none/use name]
            7 months ago

            Maoism is a potent leftist black magic that can induce political brainrot, such as becoming right wing, apolitical, horrid geopolitical policies and pseudo-intellectualism to people with bad intentions

            • Maoo [none/use name]
              7 months ago

              If you can catch people going down the Maoist pipeline before they get into a hardcore, "everyone is a revisionist but me" org they can remain cool and do good work.

                7 months ago

                Most of the leftists I encounter in my country that are not in the main party and the vocal sorts are all in this "hardcore, "everyone is a revisionist but me" org" sorta thing already it's kind of sad

                  7 months ago

                  Doubly so because we also have actual armed maoists in the country who are illegal and these people call them revisionist too

                  • Maoo [none/use name]
                    7 months ago

                    Ah that sucks. Well at least you have some armed Maoists possibly doing good work? Around here the orgs that call themselves Maoist are 100% MLMs that rationalize themselves into near-complete inaction.

                    • Vncredleader
                      7 months ago

                      Some? Like 70% of active leftist conflicts ongoing are led by Maoists. Let's be honest, they are doing the most work

                      • Maoo [none/use name]
                        7 months ago

                        Well I don't know where parent lives and it's hard to make assumptions. Some of the armed Maoist groups have problematic habits like picking violent fights with what they would call opportunists, like killing CPI(M) members in India. But there's a diversity of Maoists (including in India) internationally so it's hard to broad brush.

            • RyanGosling [none/use name]
              7 months ago

              Mao went very hard on the principle of “damn we gotta literally destroy everything before us because it sucked man” which I imagine would attract very angsty, emotional people. Most other theorists usually just explain the application of Marxism Leninism for their country and not expand it with original thought like Mao lol

              • Fishroot [none/use name]
                7 months ago

                Political defeatism is a real thing, especially with people who don't have a rational thinking that building something is hard and take time. People with Maximalist political orientation will eventually become disillusive of their beliefs because it's unrealistic. After awhile, they just realize that it is not the political ideologies that is important, it's power and the power express on other and they'll move to where the power is at.

      • Hestia [comrade/them, she/her]
        7 months ago

        Fucking hell, making fun of a minority group's fasting practice when they're actively being starved to death is a special kind of evil. Infinite 9/11s for the french.

    • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her, they/them]
      7 months ago

      Nope, we'll have another #jesuisliberation, instead there's need to be a lawsuit, make them go completely go broke and beyond

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      Westerners have an obsession with belittling Islam. In a vacuum, I wouldn’t care, but they’re especially obsessed with Muhammad. They think their drawings and insults are somehow protesting against extremism, but the only people who respond are the extremists resulting in mass violence. The ordinary Muslims just silently think the westerners are bastards and leave them alone. Great way to alienate people.

      • dkr567 [comrade/them, he/him]
        7 months ago

        It's also hilarious with that, the same westerner fucks that continuously alienate muslims then complain why they aren't integrating to their society.

  • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her, they/them]
    7 months ago

    I can imagine the smugness of the caricature maker the "ho hon hon zhese mussulmen sont trés stoupide! pour-qoui zey dont eat en le Ramadan! leur religion!"

      • Beaver [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Muhammad was like "bro, you can eat, you need your strength" when his troops were at war.

        ...not that this publication requires any counter-argument beyond PPB

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        7 months ago

        What I've understood from volunteering with muslim kids internationally is that fasting can be suspended for basically any reason as long as you apologise. Like, Allah gets it, he's not going to be mad that you actually need to eat, just make sure to say sorry.

  • Fishroot [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Libération is the tabloid that Jean paul Sartre founded

    Also, cocoBOER

  • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Well, we should bring back the guillotine and lanterne for all those Frenchies, and those other Euros gens a projets

    CW for all Francophobes but I've got a petty chanson repurposed for this occassion


    Ah, ca ira, ca ira, ca ira

    Les Euros a la lanterne

    Ah, ca ira, ca ira, ca ira

    Les Euros on les pendra

    On les pendra!

    et si on les pend pas

    on leur cassera la gueule

    et si on les pend pas

    la gueule on les casse!

    Vive a la Palestine

    Vive le son

    Vive a la Palestine

    Vive la vraie liberation!

  • allthetimesivedied [they/them, she/her]
    7 months ago

    It’s amazing how extreme the inhumanity can be. For instance, a couple days ago I couldn’t fucking walk, so I sat on the sidewalk, leaning against a wall. Some dude had just refused to help me get ibuprofen (I offered to pay for it) because he “wasn’t going that way” (he “appreciated me” though, so I guess it’s all fucking great). This fucking yuppie shitwad on a Lime scooter said “Have you tried not being homeless?” as he whizzed on by.

    There’s this little part of me that would love to show these insects how it feels to be chronically malnourished, or how it feels to have the shit kicked out of you by the very sort of person you thought was beneath you. But that isn’t me. I don’t want that to be me, anyways.

    But if someone put a [hiss] in this cartoonist’s [silence] and set it off with his [beep] and [beep] in the [quack], I would just shrug.

  • Egon
    1 month ago

    deleted by creator

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Euros don't characterize brown people as rats and bugs challenge: impossible.