Because I'm not a lib

The context to this is saying about how they're not a fan of the subreddit LeftWingMaleAdvocates, which is a bad subreddit, it's mostly just anti-feminist and basically just MRA, but they just call themselves left-wing. Most of their "left-wing" stuff is actually just "classical liberal" talking points, so they are bad, but calling them tankie is ridiculous.

    • bananon [he/him]
      2 years ago

      “Women do not hold up half the sky”

      -Mao Zedong

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        2 years ago

        "The entire party and country should hurl into the fire and break the neck of anyone who dared trample underfoot the sacred edict of the party on the attack of women's rights."

        -Enver Hoxha