I remember he wasn't popular with the old /r/, but now that the algorithm is offering me his takes they don't sound so bad. He's cutting up the dems, not falling for the Bernie and AOC grifts, afaik he didn't buy into Russiagate or Syria

  • Manaanwasgreat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Dissenting view and will probably get downvoted for this but whatever. I actually like Jimmy Dore, even though I will admit he can be kinda stupid at times. He's willing to venture outside progressive orthodoxy, sometimes it takes him on the right path (realizing the Dems are shit and we need something new, against voting for Biden) and sometimes it takes him down stupid paths (Hurr durr Tulsi Gabbard, though after she endorsed Biden he dropped her, hey he's consistent). So all in all he's a mixed bag, I just take the good and ignore the bad. I just appreciate he's willing to platform people and views that are often persona non grata on "progressive tube".