• Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Gonna try a socialist version of this.

    "Oh sorry I suck at playing, I was too busy disciplining my employee for being 3 minutes late and also thinking about how much Im gonna increase rent this year."

      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
        2 years ago

        "Sorry guys had to AFK I needed to sign some eviction papers for my lazy do nothing tenant"

        • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          That is a perfectly non-political statement that a gamer can handle while playing a non-political shooter set in a non-politically war torn Eastern European nation

        • TrashCompact [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          "My b, got distracted while shredding St. James flight logs."

          "sry, black guy walked by my house so I had to call the cops."

          "Oops, sidetracked bc one of my wives got accepted into the Ms. Utah Pageant"

  • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    see i've seen this have the opposite effect. I used to play a dying FPS where the same 100ish people would play every night and the worst player was always this neonazi asshole and every time people started roasting him he would just say some racist shit and all the other reactionaries would come out of the woodwork to say "based" and suddenly start ignoring the fact that he was a garbage player who deserved to get vote kicked for team damage


    one of the many reasons I rarely game anymore :gamer-gulag:

  • Azarova [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Every time I was in the top 3 of the game in BF5 I'd drop a "Communism will win." Usually led to a last minute shitshow in the chat before the maps switched.

      • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Surprisingly I've only noticed 4 people say anything about it out of 10,000+ players that I've played with

        however I have a very good "conduct score" in the game so I'm also only getting paired with people who are less likely to do stuff like that, and also less likely to be overtly racist in general

          • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            it's dota, and it has a conduct score. I'm sure they're just as racist as anyone else, just not frothing and uncontrolled enough to start wigging out at a pin drop

            • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              I've been playing Pokemon Unite the past week and just not being able to communicate with anyone aside from limited pings and the matches being 10 minutes max goes a long way.

  • VeganTendies [he/him]
    2 years ago

    That's it boys.

    We won't win this through well reasoned debate, we need to ruin the right's good reputation.

  • fuckmyphonefuckingsu [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    i remember calling this chud gamer kid a lib in game chat and he had a complete meltdown. like every time he'd try to be like "what?? No YOURE a LIBERAL! i love donald trump!!!" and id just be like "ok lib"