• context [fae/faer, fae/faer]
      3 months ago

      speaking of which, i've made the exact same joke before as in the screenshot and i demand recompense!

      my joke was about a remake that was shot-for-shot exactly the same, but not actually releasing the original film under a different title, so carrie might have an argument in tort court when i press my claims for any financial remuneration received for this not-a-tweet, but i'm confident that ipso facto my bit was better, my tort claim will carry the day.

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    3 months ago

    our culture

    it's just capitalists, man. anyone paying slightly more attention than average understands that sequel/reboot/franchise/cinematic multiverse stuff sucks and isn't actually capable of being a cultural touchstone.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      It's shareholders looking at a chart of AI extracted keywords that describe a movie and then comparing them to scripts with the same keywords. They only want to fund movies that have the same or greater return as previous films with the same basic descriptions or market awareness.

      That was less of the case in between the 60s and 80s because:

      • lack of comprehensive market data
      • belief that audiences respond primarily to actors they recognize rather than plots or IP
      • movies didn't have to appeal to broad international markets and could be about very specific themes (this is supposedly why comedy movies are less common)
      • movies were less expensive to make and had less complications to get funding
      • Movie producers were all high on cocaine and barbiturates 110% of the time and threw money around at random
  • NewLeaf
    3 months ago

    More people seal clap for the billionth installment in a remade series than don't. I agree, we need new slop, but I am solidly in the minority, and I don't see that changing because of the homogeneous nature of the entertainment industry

  • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
    3 months ago

    If you want to leave, decompress the main shuttle bay. The tractor beam won't work.