I still sometimes think about the guy in my lower secondary school English class in probably 2016 reading the infobox on the Wikipedia article for Tanzania, and saying out loud, "Official languages: none de jure??", pronouncing it in a heavy singsongy Norwegian accent like "NOO-nuh duh YEW-ruh??", apparently believing "None De Jure" to be the name of some sort of obscure African language rather than just meaning "no official language"

And then I remember that this was around the same time that the teacher asked what New York was named after, and I raised my hand and answered "the Dork of York". And then my soul goes nichijou_pencil_stab.mp4 for a bit

  • Bay_of_Piggies [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    I have this memory seared into my mind from 3rd grade. After lunch a classmate felt sick and proceeded to hurl infront of our classroom just before class started. Another classmate, the chubby, clumsy and often picked on kid came running down the hall and accidentally slipped and fell in the puke, getting covered in it and shattering his gameboy on the hard floor. I felt so bad for him, almost our entire class saw. He went home for the rest of the day.

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      6 months ago

      Holy shit that is a vivid image, I literally whimpered out a little "ouwgh" when I read that. Poor guy.

      Had that happened in the modern day, somebody would've caught it on video and put the refrain to Bakamitai or Sakanaction's Identity over it, guaranteed.