We're not voting for him libs, get the fuck over it already lol.

  • captchaintherye [any]
    4 years ago

    I think Trump is less bad of the two horrible options, but again, "prefer" is a tricky word. That tiny margin of preference is not enough to motivate me to vote for Trump. I can't morally pull that lever for someone that monstrous.

    I think our political struggle would face fewer obstacles under Trump, but that is not a reason in and of itself to vote for Trump.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I think our political struggle would face fewer obstacles under Trump

      Trump is already kidnapping leftists using unmarked vans and federal goons who refuse to identify who they work for. Literally the only reason you run that sort of operation is so that -- if you decide you want to -- you can indefinitely detain or even disappear someone.

      How is that (and what it is obviously setting the stage for) less of an obstacle than whatever Biden would do?

      • captchaintherye [any]
        4 years ago

        Trump is already kidnapping leftists using unmarked vans and federal goons who refuse to identify who they work for. Literally the only reason you run that sort of operation is so that – if you decide you want to – you can indefinitely detain or even disappear someone.

        Please spare me the argument that Biden, who was the VP when Obama disappeared American citizens, ran secret prisons, and helped the authorities crack leftist skulls at Standing Rock and Occupy Wall Street, would respect the Constitution™ and not use strongarm tactics against BLM protesters.

        He is literally telling you while running for president that he will round these people up and arrest them. What more do you need to tell you that he's indistinguishable from Trump on this issue?

        How is that (and what it is obviously setting the stage for) less of an obstacle than whatever Biden would do?

        Because you've localized it to one issue where you argue (erroneously, IMO) that Biden wouldn't use fascist measures where Trump is.

        In reality, the Dems are the much bigger obstacle to the left organizing. The Dems are squatting on the "opposition party" and positioning themselves as "the left", and then not doing anything "left" and enabling the right.

        They are a dampening agent on the left. They are occupying the only weapon we have in terms of electoralism, and rendering it useless. Putting them in power does nothing to stop Republicans, as they thirst to work with them to oppress the people. And it normalizes "the left" being right wing, as Biden's corpse starts more wars and imposes more austerity, and the Republicans move to the right to keep their Nazi street cred. Pushing us further right off the cliff to oblivion. We've repeated this cycle a dozen times; this time is no different.

        If you want to argue that electoralism is meaningless and we should ignore it, that's fine. That's another thread. But if we are starting with the premise that electoralism has any worth at all, then it has to start with unseating shitty Democrats. And handing Biden the keys to the White House is going to set that process back a decade.

        • Chapo0114 [comrade/them, he/him]
          4 years ago

          Absolutely this. It is clear that every president since (and obviously including) Reagan has been a proponent of the same Neoliberal dismantling of the public sphere. I used to think our only chance was for the Republican party to become untenable, but that isn't going to happen with the way rural states are disproportionately represented. The Democrat party must become untenable when running the same old shit, it is the only way to get them to change. I'm not sold on electoralism, direct action is clearly working better, but you can't argue that motherfucking Biden, a literal segregationist and author of the 1994 crime bill (which he still supports) is any type of real harm reduction.

          edit: I also love that Trump destroys our international reputation, hurting the US hegemony more than anything I could ever have imagined.

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          when Obama disappeared American citizens, ran secret prisons

          Big difference between doing that in Iraq and doing it in Oregon. Legally it's an entirely different world, and it's similarly night-and-day in terms of media coverage.

          helped the authorities crack leftist skulls at Standing Rock and Occupy Wall Street

          The local police are generally who's cracking skulls, and the president doesn't control the local police. Big difference between the NYPD -- who Obama had zero control over -- breaking up Occupy and Trump creating a federal police force on the fly that's answerable to him.

          He is literally telling you while running for president that he will round these people up and arrest them.

          This is no different from libs breathlessly believing that Trump will do everything that pops out of his mouth. Big difference between wanting to arrest the protesters who break windows and wanting the military to massacre protesters en masse.

          • captchaintherye [any]
            4 years ago

            The local police are generally who’s cracking skulls, and the president doesn’t control the local police.



            Big difference between the NYPD – who Obama had zero control over – breaking up Occupy and Trump creating a federal police force on the fly that’s answerable to him.

            Big difference between 500 people sitting on blankets, vs. police cars being overturned in a dozen cities and people wheeling out guillotines, too. Hence the bigger authoritarian response. The billionaires are getting more nervous, and the president does what the billionaires want.

            If you think Biden wouldn't do exactly what Trump did if he faced the same set of circumstances, you are Charlie Brown running 90 MPH at a football.

            This is no different from libs breathlessly believing that Trump will do everything that pops out of his mouth.

            Oh yeah, nope, no reason whatsoever to believe Biden will throw people into unmarked vans... except for the fact that Biden was the VP under a president who literally broke the Constitution and infringed upon civil rights daily, and walked away after 8 years completely clean, with people going "he never had a scandal except a tan suit".

            Big difference between wanting to arrest the protesters who break windows and wanting the military to massacre protesters en masse.

            You have now devolved into right wing talking points to defend Biden. It's ok, he'll just strongarm and arrest the ones that deserve it!!

            • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              You have now devolved into right wing talking

              Highlighting the difference between a small-c conservative and a fascist is not a right-wing talking point. You're not even bothering to read what I'm writing in good faith, so I'm not going to bother with the rest of your nonsense.

      • KammeraadDouwe [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, the only argument for this is if you believe in accelerationism.

      • Chapo0114 [comrade/them, he/him]
        4 years ago

        Biden is a segregationist that wrote the 1994 Crime Bill he still supports. He's not good for PoCs, he's absolutely a racist.

        • Keleyva [any]
          4 years ago

          No denial about that. But the only reason Trump didn't write the bill is because he wasn't a Senator (and because he's an idiot). He literally wanted to bring bad the death penalty after CP5.

          Im not voting Biden, but implying hes worse than Trump shows how much of a white privileged prick you are..... And that you know 3 Black folks maximum.

          If you are white, you have no right to downvote this comment.

          • Chapo0114 [comrade/them, he/him]
            4 years ago

            if Biden wins, white libs think black american's are fine again. Never mind that most of the extrajudicial murders happened in dem controlled areas. The DNC has to change to help PoCs, and they damn sure aren't going to change by being rewarded for being indistinguishable from moderate Republicans.

            • Keleyva [any]
              4 years ago

              R u Black? If not, don't speak for what most Black folk. We already know how much this country is disdainful towards up. But your white ass CANT comprehend the relief if Biden wins, despite us knowing hes problematic.

              Saying Biden is worse than Trump dismisses the current situation we, and other POCs, face.

              • Chapo0114 [comrade/them, he/him]
                4 years ago

                Being Black doesn't make you somehow more aware of the effects of Neoliberalism on POC communities, just being a critical thinker who looks at context. I haven't spoken for Black folk, just the truth. What fucking relief is the segregationist going to bring? Why should the Dems be rewarded for running a candidate who FUCKING CRITICIZED George H. W. Bush's war on drugs for NOT BEING EXTREME ENOUGH?

                Biden and Clinton directly attacked black communities with the 1994 Crime Bill Clinton set up the 2008 financial crisis by repealing Glass-Steagall act. Obama chose to bail out industry instead of POC communities.


                • Keleyva [any]
                  4 years ago

                  Being Black doesn’t make you somehow more aware of the effects of Neoliberalism on POC communities

                  Yes it does

                  Biden and Clinton directly attacked black communities with the 1994 Crime Bill Clinton set up the 2008 financial crisis by repealing Glass-Steagall act. Obama chose to bail out industry instead of POC communities.

                  I don't like em lol. I just don't prefer Trump over them ( idk much about Bill Clinton tbh tho).


                  Yes, they are?! I would much rather live in area that's 90%+ blue than an 90%+ red, despite Dems being trash.

      • Keleyva [any]
        4 years ago

        lmfao was gonna comment the exact same thing