He's legit a good guy.

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    6 months ago

    [Reads title]

    [Checks if this post is on /c/fakenews]

    [it's not]

    [within milliseconds starts asking self questions, such as, "Why would Connor raise money for the IDF knowing how unpopular Israel is among young people? Wouldn't that threaten his whole career? How did Connor manage to raise so much money for the IDF given how unpopular Israel is with young people? Why have I never heard of anyone else fundraising for the IDF before now? Is it normal for a country's armed forces to just accept donations from Internet randos like that? What am I supposed to make of this? That Connor's audience is strangely pro-Israel? That the IDF is so weak that it apparently relies on donations from Black Butler impersonators? Wtf even? This is not a post on /c/fakenews, but could this actually possibly legit be real???"]

    [opens the picture, sees that it's tweeted from a socialist account followed by other socialists, immediately thinks, "Awh God, this is rael! And I was always under the impression that Connor was such a nice guy! Now I feel bad about liking his stuff! Why would he be like that! Man, it's always the ones you least expect, isn't it!... But this has to be a joke, right‽ It just has to be! Like, just because it's a socialist Twitter account doesn't mean that the account owner can't be duped into sharing nonsense, right? So I'm gonna have to look into this to see what the heck this situation actually is."]

    [sees "He's legit a good guy." and thinks, "Is that... sarcasm or not? I can't tell. Who even made this post?"]

    [checks, sees it's Alaskaball, and thinks, "Well, that rules out this post being made by a Zionist, which means that this is either some sort of weird sarcasm, or...]

    [looks at tweet again, more closely]

    [wait... that's not the logo of the Israeli Defense Forces...? That's... that's...]

    ["Immune Deficiency Foundation"]

    [immediately turns beet red]

    [was seriously this close to believing that CDawg was another JonTron]

    [i.e. has probably accepted fake news as fact on other occasions without even realizing it]

    [i.e. other people who are less critical of the things they read online have probably already started believing that CDawg is a bad person]

    [this tweet was probably a bad idea even though it's still people's own responsibility to be critical of what they read online]

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      Yep straight up. Had me actually concerned for a minute when I first saw it.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    6 months ago

    whew for a second there I thought he was fundraising for the Infant Destruction Force

    • mkultrawide [any]
      6 months ago

      British streamer who lives in Japan. A lot of foreign streamers will collab with him when they go to Japan. He's close with a lot of the LA streamers/YouTubers. Hasan raided him yesterday while he was riding with like 35K viewers and he was immediately like "WTF is going on, why did Hasan have 35K viewers?!"

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Innocent of the crime of raising money for the IDF, but still guilty of the crime of being a white guy in Asia.

  • RION [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Hey everyvody did you see they disabled jebasted