• ConstipationNation [he/him]
    4 years ago

    think anarchism (i.e. local, accountable self governance, the abolition of all unjust and arbitrary hierarchies, transparent governance etc) is a great political ideal to strive towards and literally necessary for a society to actually be “communist” (stateless, classless, etc), but I also understand that revolutions are subject to material reality and you can’t exactly survive against external military pressure and clandestine bullshit like the CIA without at the very least some measure of ML style central leadership. Thinking you can have a successful decentralized/anarchist revolution is like believing you can win a poker tournament with all your cards on the table.

    This is pretty much what Rojava is, it's a shame more people on the left don't pay closer attention to what is going over there and the structures they've built. Too much attention has been paid to the YPG/J and the fight against ISIS but not enough to the actual revolution and governance of the region.

    • MonarchLabsOne [he/him]
      4 years ago

      How are they doing? I thought they've been bombed to shit recently.

      They inspired me a lot, actually.

      • ConstipationNation [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They lost two cities and the strip of land between them to the last Turkish invasion but things are somewhat calm right now and they're still holding on and doing what they can to rebuild.

        They're relying on both Russia and the US for protection from Turkey and are hoping to work out some sort of deal with the Syrian government in the future that would let them keep their autonomy.