This is nothing new, comments like this were everywhere in 2015-2016 during the Republican primaries, I have a vague memory of reading some of those comments and thinking to myself "huh maybe he won't win" then he won the primary and then I was like lmao
Excited to see DeSantis and Cruz sitting side by side at the same phone bank.
Goldfish brains don't remember how hilarious Trump was in the 2016 primaries. He literally insulted Ted Cruz's wife and then made Ted Cruz phone bank for him lmao
:this: no way this is a real person. They love Trump the bully first and foremost
Plenty of lay Republicans simply don't understand how politics works at all. They think all the Republicans are supposed to work together as a team and that the only real struggle is in which of them has the purest and most erudite vision for the future.
Right-Wingers get West Wing Brain, too.
It reads like a de santis staffer trying to convince MAGAs that they should tell trump not to be mean to desantis.
Nah, probably just a cuckservative who also wants civility. Right wingers, particularly the "intellectual" ones, like to see themselves as these glorious inheritors of Rome and Greece and these respective cultures "western ideas" such as spirited debate, and pedaerasty, and while they give way more leeway to their side in breaching decorum, there was a chunk of them who didn't like the way Trump bulldozed through the other cretins during the primaries.
Did this guy just wake up from a coma? Trump attacking his "fellow republicans" is exactly how he got elected the first time.
And it was fucking glorious. DeSaintits will not know what’s coming. Who the fuck built this guy up into some National figure, capable of winning the nomination over big baby?
guy probably just didn't like those republicans. It's always the same spiel, all the terrible stuff is okay, good even, until it affects me personally, then it's bad
If this genuinely comes as a surprise to this idiot, then they have zero ability to judge character and are probably posting this from inside the locked milk truck they've been lured into by promises of sweetbread and gold bullion.
Stupidest fucking human beings on planet earth. How do they not understand that he is trying to WIN? :trump-feed:
This person needs to redo their entire schooling
Put 'em back in Kindergarten and let it go from there
:cereal1: He would never make fun of right wing politicians
I can't see a single reason for Trump to suddenly attack DeSantis. It makes no damn sense to me.
You are like a little baby.