"I got involved in cryto without any idea what cryto was"
The fun part is that's basically everyone involved in crypto, even the ones that claim to understand it. What no materialism does to a mf.
"New Record: $4.5 Trillion for America's Richest"
Our lords and masters have achieved a new level of wealth yet unseen! Praise be!
Elizabeth Holmes managed to defraud Henry Kissinger, making her an objectively better person than FTX guy.
Elizabeth Holmes
She faces up to 20 years in federal prison, plus potentially millions in restitution and fines, and is scheduled to be sentenced in November 2022.
Twitter, FTX and Holmes. It's such a great month for tech news and we aren't even halfway.
wait wait wait. There is no fucking way this kid had $23 billion dollars. This has to be based on hypothetical value if he were able to sell a ton of shitcoins at market price (impossible)
I have never heard of him or FTX until now and I loosely follow crypto
edit: His mother, Barbara Fried, is a Stanford professor & the head of the Mind the Gap political action committee.
His father, Joseph Bankman, is a Stanford professor who has lobbied on behalf of hedge fund managers before Congress before. His Aunt, Linda Fried, is on the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Aging.
His brother, Gabriel Bankman-Fried, is the founder of “Guarding Against Pandemics.” He was a Legislative Correspondent for the US House of Representatives and an advisor to large political donors in the democrat party.
Just found out this dude is the second biggest donor for the scamocrat and Ukraine partner with FTX. Scam all around