Rixuyo [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2020


  • This is my go to argument that is easy to understand for most people. Labour cost is not 100% of the total costs, so a $1 increase in salary will not result in a $1 price increase but at most, let's say, $0.50. This means that a salary increase will always improve purchasing power, as the salary relative to the product price changed in favour of the worker, despite any smaller product price increase.

  • Wasn't there a theory that every company is turning into a bank, because basically every company is doing loyalty programs, which are basically their own currencies. Think airplane companies, hotel chains, etc. For some only their loyalty program is turning them a profit, and their core business is a loss making part to support the loyalty program.

  • Also everyone in the Netherlands snitches on each other (anonymous reporting on you by your neighbors if you're on state welfare and you do some undeclared work is very common) and everyone is very egocentric and apathetic with regards to other people's wellbeing and politics. Lastly, the rules are holy and deemed to be unchangeable, even if you're a politician whose whole job it is to change rules and laws constantly.

    As Marx supposedly said, the Netherlands will never have a revolution, because you're not allowed to walk on the grass. (walking on the grass is actually allowed in nearly all places, but it's a fun metaphor to highlight how strictly the Dutch follow the rules)

    Infrastructure is fantastic and well fare / social security is still quite decent despite decades of austerity, but other than that, fuck my country.

  • This describes my feelings to the point. Can't really help you because I'm not much further. Just know that even non-binary also feels wrong, I identify more as myself than as some sort of social stereotype. Agender might be it.

  • Yesterday I told one of my older friends who has always known me as a straight male (while I don't really have labels I'm comfortable with yet, but definitely questioning both) that I currently have a crush on a man, and he immediately accepted it as new reality, was very supportive and tried to help me with a helpful label (he suggested pan). Was a bit nervous but was a good conversation and speaking it out loud also helped me to accept it more as reality. My journey is very slow but I'm making steps!