Don’t even know what it’s about yet

EDIT: I know what it’s about now. My mother is very proud

  • 420stalin69
    2 years ago

    Harris is a sexist gamer Vaushite, and I say that as someone who has never watched his shit it’s just a vibe I get


    Adding context to the shit storm: since this apparently isn’t widely know, I’m referring to this stuff from 2017 when he used his position of power within the community to seek to suppress allegations of sexual assault against a friend

    He did apologize for it, once the angry mob began banning his content from places such as r/breadtube and his commercial interests were threatened. His apology was rejected in that final link you see the victim explain their thoughts.

    • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      10 day old account starts shit in the comments based off of nothing but a controversy that was put to bed years ago and which all parties seem to have moved on from

      Back in my day, this comment would have been removed by now and the poster banned. They don't make mods like they used to!

      • 420stalin69
        2 years ago

        Back in my day leftists didn’t support people like this.

        Honestly I hadn’t heard about this guy in 5 years and I’m actually shocked you’re all supporting him.

        And the defense is “it was just one time” as though that’s a defense.

        What’s wrong with you all? The YouTube popularity contest has given you brain worms.

        • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          What are you on about? I just said that all parties have moved on, and you won't achieve anything by bringing it back up. If you want to complain about him, go back to r/Breadtube. I believe his videos are still banned from there.

          Edit: looks like they haven't been banned from there for a good few years actually, but they definitely were for a while.

          • 420stalin69
            2 years ago

            Rare Reddit W over hexbear in that case


            • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
              2 years ago

              K then, leave. Also, it's worth pointing out that this piece of internet drama was the first thing you saw when you opened up the Kiwifarms page on Hbomb. It's an ad-hom arguement I know, but when those guys bring that incident as a way of justifying their harassment of him, it should make you think twice about using it yourself. Unless you're a wrecker, which at this point I'm fairly sure you are.

              • 420stalin69
                2 years ago

                So far the arguments I’ve seen here are what you admit is a pure ad hom and you write it anyway, “it was just one time”, and “wrecker” or some variant of that which is a personal attack that intentionally avoids the issue.

                So all shit arguments. Garbage.

                Shameful defense of this behavior which should never be defended.

                Shame on you.

                • Tachanka [comrade/them]
                  2 years ago

                  Harris is a sexist gamer Vaushite, and I say that as someone who has never watched his shit it’s just a vibe I get

                  this is how you started the conversation. what are we supposed to be angry at again?

                  • 420stalin69
                    2 years ago

                    I’ll end this conversation but I’m not so petty as to assume everyone on this site is as comfortable with sexual assault as you are.

                    Even though you pretend to speak for them you actually only speak for yourself.

                    Rather I think it’s more likely you are refusing to treat this particular person as you would others because you enjoy his content which is a specifically individual flaw in you that I won’t ascribe to others.

                    Hopefully you reconsider your approach since what you’re doing here is exactly what Hollywood did to Harvey Weinstein.

                    Zero tolerance is the only correct approach. Hopefully you learn that once you’ve had the chance to reflect.

                    • Hoyt [he/him]
                      2 years ago

                      watching a youtuber's videos is the same as an agent sending women to be sexually assaulted by weinstein lol

                      what do you wanna do buddy send a hit squad to his house

                      • 420stalin69
                        2 years ago

                        I expect zero tolerance towards people who use their power to suppress allegations of sexual assault.

                        That’s a pretty straightforward expectation.

                        The Hollywood shit is the code of silence that emerges because these people are put on a pedestal which is precisely what you are all doing here right now. You’re willing to condone the unacceptable because of a YouTube / streamer popularity contest.


                        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
                          2 years ago

                          you started the conversation like this:

                          Harris is a sexist gamer Vaushite, and I say that as someone who has never watched his shit it’s just a vibe I get

                          then didn't mention "suppressing allegations" until way further down. Maybe you should begin a conversation by saying what you're actually upset about .

                          • 420stalin69
                            2 years ago

                            It was like my 3rd comment actually but the mass of replies reorders things.

                            Maybe if you gamers read the replies before deciding to jump on the bandwagon of defending their favorite streamer it wouldn’t be such a confusing thread.

                                • Tachanka [comrade/them]
                                  2 years ago
                                  1. what are these allegations

                                  2. against whom were these allegations

                                  3. who was the friend he protected

                                  4. was anyone ever taken to court and found guilty of anything

                                  not all of us keeps up with the stuff you personally remember

                                  EDIT: also nothing was reordered comments work like this

                                  top comment


                                  reply to reply

                                  the only top comment you have in this thread is "Harris is a sexist gamer Vaushite, and I say that as someone who has never watched his shit it’s just a vibe I get"

                                  everything else is a reply to that or you replying to someone. Why would the first comment anyone reads of yours ITT be a reply to an older comment?

                                  • 420stalin69
                                    2 years ago

                                    Look I’m not going to debate you about how comments are or should be ordered I’m just saying if your complaint here is “I didn’t bother reading the comments before joining the mob” that doesn’t actually say anything about me it only says something about you.

                                    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
                                      2 years ago

                                      I didn't join a mob. you said it was "like my 3rd comment" but everything else you have said In this thread is newer. The oldest comment from you in this thread is 3 hours old and is that one where you began the conversation by saying he was a sexist, that you hadn't watched anything of his, and that it was "just a vibe." It would have helped to begin the conversation by saying you were upset about sexual assault allegations against his friend that he defended, rather than making that clear way later.

                                      also you still haven't specified who this friend is, what the allegations were, who was making the allegations, or whether anything came of those allegations. expecting everyone else to be mad about something they haven't necessarily even heard about is odd. Especially when you begin the conversation by pretending you don't know anything about the person, and then reveal later that you actually know a ton of negative stuff nobody else remembers.

                                      • 420stalin69
                                        2 years ago

                                        Ok noted thank you for the feedback

                                        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
                                          2 years ago

                                          i just want to know more about the context of these allegations you brought up.

                                          • 420stalin69
                                            2 years ago

                                            Here you go with more added because your request is indeed a fair one




                        • Hoyt [he/him]
                          2 years ago

                          to be clear your "zero tolerance" policy is just not watching his videos

                          • 420stalin69
                            2 years ago

                            That’s part of it sure.

                            Watching his vids and promoting them certainly isn’t zero tolerance.

                            Nor is attacking those who call him out on it. That’s downright defending it. Shameful.

                              • 420stalin69
                                2 years ago

                                I added that the bit where you gamer chuds attack those who call him out on his part use of power to suppress sexual assault is defending that.

                                So the other part would be to stop being a gamer chud who flies into a rage when your favorite YouTuber gets called out for atrociously poor behavior.

                                Stop defending this. Like for real, why are you ok with that and what does that say about you?

                                • Hoyt [he/him]
                                  2 years ago

                                  im sure that if our media consumption is pure enough we'll get communism! I hope we've all learned our lesson and will never discuss anything made by anyone deemed problematic. keep fighting the good fight comrade

                                  • 420stalin69
                                    2 years ago

                                    You can insult and deride me for calling out a media personality for protecting sexual assault all you want, it just makes you a regular gamer chud.

                                    • Theblarglereflargle [any]
                                      2 years ago

                                      My man it’s not that. It’s that all parties have talked about this since then. Have all seemed to have reached some sort of understanding. And Harry had talked about, apolgozied, and most of all def seems to have taken it to heart and be better.

                                      It’s not like shit like the brigadore guy getting caught and dipping out till the heat was down. It’s not like Virgil who just left and never acknowledged, apologized, or even was seen again after his accusations came out. Actual growth and work to make things better happened.

                                      I understand where you are coming from and SA is never excusable. But we gotta be able to not blindly fall into every purity test and give credit when people show genuine growth.

                                      people grow, a lot of us here started as right leaning libertarians or worst. If we purity test everything we are gonna tear ourselves apart.

                    • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
                      2 years ago

                      I appreciate that you're not responding to comments anymore, but I have had time to reflect, but I'd like to explain myself a bit further.

                      I already knew about the accusations you made in your original post, because I read about it a year or two ago. This meant that I also knew that the situation had already been resolved by the parties involved, first because of the apology (which I understand the victim didn't like or accept) and secondly because of the fact that the person who attacked the victim has long since been removed as a mod on Hbomb's Discord over this issue. I know that Harris' actions were wrong to start with and that he should have believed the victim, but given that the incident happened several years ago and that no new accusations had come out, I didn't and still don't see the need to 'cancel' him even more than he already was at the time.

                      I am also in no way comfortable with sexual assault, and agree that a zero tolreance approach is necessary; this is exactly the approach that was taken against him by plenty of people, and many of those people have since moved on, as I pointed out. You may disagree with this descision, as is your right, but that doesn't mean that the people who have done so are apologists for SA.

    • Owl [he/him]M
      2 years ago

      @Everyone reading this thread - I recommend that everyone here, especially cis straight dudes, go read this first link (copy), because that is exactly how a well-meaning person ends up perpetuating rape culture. Harris says the right things in the first two images, and then immediately dives into a hole of second-guessing the victim's memories, then makes the problem about himself, and never backs out from this hole. Harris is wrong here, and he is wrong in a way that you, whoever is reading this, can very easily be.

      @420stalin69 - In the future, lead with the actual information in question, instead of weird shit-flinging about gossip you heard second-hand. It's clear from the way that you've handled this that your goal here isn't to actually help victims, but rather to get points for having the juiciest dish against a semi-famous name. Healthy people do not spend their time searching for the latest way that some youtuber they've never watched has shit themselves, and you should not expect everyone to know that hbomberguy has done something wrong five years ago. If you lead with just the facts, we'd have a lot less random shitflinging and a lot more productive introspection in this thread.

      • 420stalin69
        2 years ago

        I honestly thought this was a well known thing which is why I approached it this way. Was not expecting a massive explosion.

        Feedback accepted however. It was 5 years ago you’re right. I should have led with the goods instead of assuming it was known.

        I’ll stop replying to anything.

        • Owl [he/him]M
          2 years ago

          Great way to handle feedback.


    • Homestar440 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      yeah he’s not, but I’m not going to invalidate a cherished headcanon

      • 420stalin69
        2 years ago

        He did flirt with vaush and he does have a sex harassment scandal and he is a gamer

        But thank you for respecting head canon

          • 420stalin69
            2 years ago

            This shit


            Last I heard we cancelled him for this shit

            • Tachanka [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              Last I heard we cancelled him for this shit

              who is "we"? What is "cancelled"? weird how you started a conversation with

              Harris is a sexist gamer Vaushite, and I say that as someone who has never watched his shit it’s just a vibe I get

              then revealed that you actually know way more about him than the rest of us because you keep up with the tiresome breadtube drama

            • regul [any]
              2 years ago

              Oh I thought you were saying Hbomb sexually harassed someone.

              • 420stalin69
                2 years ago

                That was actually my memory of it, some discord sexual harassment because my memory was vague, but actually no it was supporting a friend accused of sexual assault just because he was a friend and using his position within the community to suppress allegations of sexual harassment.

                So not Harvey Weinstein shit but still that same Hollywood shit of using power to suppress knowledge of Harvey Weinstein. That’s what he did, Lindsey Lohan rising to the defense of Harvey Weinstein. A Ben Affleck who knew about it but used his power to protect it.

                If those are his instincts then we should have cancelled him harder.

                • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  I read your tumblr thing and his friend was accused of potentially having planned a sexual assault and then reacting with invective when the woman backed out at a red flag. That is not the same thing as having done a sexual assault as this allegation is primarily about what someone might have but ultimately never had an opportunity to do. There is a degree of guesswork involved.

                  Very obviously someone backing out due to red flags is valid and them not wanting to interact with the creepy person especially after they called them a bitch is equally valid. But might have wanted to and did are not things that can be casually conflated

            • dead [he/him]
              2 years ago


              This is the apology that he posted.

              • 420stalin69
                2 years ago

                Apologizing after the angry mob let’s you know you’re wrong doesn’t mean shit. That’s just PR.

                • VenetianMask [any]
                  2 years ago

                  okay then how do you think apologies should work. they should be made before finding out people are upset by something you've done?

                  • 420stalin69
                    2 years ago

                    It should happen at an early stage, when presented with wrong doing and you’ve had a moment to reflect then you recognize bad behavior and apologize.

                    Instead of waiting for it to threaten your commercial interests then apologizing.

                    It’s just so fucking easy to have the “correct” opinions on things if you wait for the direction of community opinion to be firmly established, which summarizes basically his entire career if we are being honest about it.

                    His apology would have been meaningful if it happened before outrage in the community threatened to eject him from his privileged position within it.

                    Do you think apology’s are meaningful when they only come after intense backlash or do you think that’s called covering your ass like a coward?

                    • regul [any]
                      2 years ago

                      Social pressure is how we impose correct behavior on people.

                      For independent creators, social pressure and financial pressure are identical. There is no lag between the two during which he could have met your timeline for apologizing.

                      • 420stalin69
                        2 years ago

                        There was lag there was indeed lag. The apology took a while. His cancelling began and only with the financial threat did he have his change of heart, you’re wrong to assert that the issue was not brought to his attention before the financial threat emerged. Straight up not true.

                        And I mean fuck that abstraction. It was not merely imposing correct behavior like a simple rule. It was regarding his use of power to protect a friend accused of sexual assault.

                        That’s not some minor issue requiring rectification. That’s a red line.

                        • regul [any]
                          2 years ago

                          By your post, it seems like it was sexual harassment, not assault.

                          He seemed sincere to me in the initial DMs (even if his instincts were wrong) and in the apology. It's enough for me; it's not enough for you.

    • dead [he/him]
      2 years ago

      In January 2019, hbomberguy hosted a 57 hour DK64 playthrough charity stream for transgender youth in the UK. He raised $340,000 for Mermaids, a charity organization that advocates for transgender youth in the UK. Some of the guests who appeared on the charity stream include Natalie Wynn of ContraPoints, Chelsea Manning, Riley Dennis, Casey Explosion, Shaun of youtube, Abigail Thorn of Philosophy Tube, Three Arrows, Jim Sterling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Adam Conover of Adam Ruins Everything, Virgil Texas and Matt Christman, Grant Kirkhope (composed music for DK64 and voice of Donkey Kong), Chuck Tingle (erotica author), Mara Wilson (child actor in Matilda), John Romero (co-designer of DOOM), Adam Savage of Mythbusters, Cher (Musician).

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Mara Wilson (child actor in Matilda)

        She's also bizarrely Ben Shapiro's cousin and grew up with him. It's great how much she seems to dislike him.

      • ElGosso [he/him]
        2 years ago

        This was the last time I really felt like we could change the world ngl

      • 420stalin69
        2 years ago

        And Harvey Weinstein’a charitable giving emphasized victims of sexual violence.

        It’s a mistake to assume public displays are indicative of character since doing it on stream already means it’s performative in nature.

        He probably is good to trans people, at least I have no reason to doubt that, but what I do know is he has a history of using his position to protect his friends even when they’re accused of sexual assault and I’m surprised to learn he wasn’t canceled back in 2017 but I don’t keep up with bread tube.

        Edit: oh and the bold text right

      • 420stalin69
        2 years ago

        Typical gamer outrage when you come after their favorite streamer

          • 420stalin69
            2 years ago

            No I’m not. You’re trying to abstract into gibberish to avoid confronting the fact your favorite streamer has a history of using his power within that community to suppress sexual assault allegations against his friends.

            Refusing to address that while being petty about it with “touch some grass” and “read theory” is just the breadtube gamer equivalent of that same gamer shit.

              • 420stalin69
                2 years ago

                One time is enough especially since we don’t know if there were other times. It’s certainly fitting a mould of public personalities doing this muck.

                And he didn’t apologize until it threatened his income stream.

                Don’t play this dumb team sports game. People who do that should be removed from pedestals. End of story.

                  • 420stalin69
                    2 years ago

                    Canceling media figures who suppress sexual assault allegations against their friends is “psychotic epistemology” lmao take yourself off your own pedestal.

            • Tachanka [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              sexual assault allegations against his friends.

              which friend

              which allegations

              you started the conversation like this:

              Harris is a sexist gamer Vaushite, and I say that as someone who has never watched his shit it’s just a vibe I get

              you never mentioned these allegations until further down in the conversation

            • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              Refusing to address that while being petty about it with “touch some grass” and “read theory” is just the breadtube gamer equivalent of that same gamer shit.

              You were literally being incoherent

      • 420stalin69
        2 years ago

        There’s a tumblr link here somewhere with the screen caps.

    • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
      2 years ago

      He's breadtube, having socdem politics is the norm

      Idk about the other stuff though