
  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 months ago


    Yeah shaving your legs is awesome, feels great. I haven't in ages but I might do just for fun, Idk. I tend to yeet all my body hair maybe once every eight or nine months? Weirdly I don't really mind the body hair but for its curliness, which makes it bunch up and stand out.

    Lmao, I know right?? Surely everyone wants to be beautiful lady! It Is Known!

    She has said good things, she's not a total brainworm pit, but I'd turn a critical eye to anything she says. Unsurprisingly societal connotations around having a penis and the expectations that come with it mean that a lot of trans women get fetishistically pigeon-holed by anyone they have sex with, which is awful. I've seen people talk here about how they both do not have bottom dysphoria but also hate it when every partner they have expects them to top. Not having bottom dysphoria also is not equal to always having insertive sex.

    my comrade in christ....

    No it's fuckin not, there are tons of women who in fact do not have a vulva. Secretly, sexual anatomy is only gendered because cis people, the majority sadly, have chosen to conflate gender and genitalia 1:1, it's how they "decide" a baby's gender and get it wrong so often. They do this because as cis people their gender is aligned with the one they were assigned at birth, and in not changing their bodies at all they keep the genitals they have. But one size does not fit all. Also that 90% stat is probably down to the inaccessibility of bottom surgery.

    But yes, a woman can have a penis, a man can have a vulva, hell very rarely people are born with something more ambiguous. Some people get surgery to have both, which is incredible. You sometimes hear cis women talk about how it would be cool to have a penis, which doesn't automatically make them a man. The association of sexual anatomy with gender only exists due to the dominance of cisgender people, which has been enforced very violently over the course of our history. Certain gatekeepy medical "professionals" will get arsey with you if you say you don't want bottom surgery, because they must uphold the cisnormative social order. It's harder to keep their strangehold on cishet gender, which helps feed the machine of capitalism with workers, if people are running around questioning the dogshit assumptions they have put in place. Society drives these cisnormative assumptions into you from birth, which is insidious and hurts people and is part of why that shit must be stopped.

    Why is a penis inherently male? Just because most people born with one are men? Ridiculous; if the penis belongs to a woman, she is still a woman, and the penis is female, same in reverse for anyone with a vulva, and of any gender. You are not pretending to be a woman, if you say you are one, you are, regardless of what is in your pants.

    As a footnote to all of this, read The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto which is an awesome synthesis of trans/queer theory and leftist theory. Great read.

    We love our trans comrades, don't we folks? ✨ I really adore seeing people go through transition and feel good about it, warms my heart.

    No prob, and it's like anything else I guess, you could switch careers or realise your sexuality isn't what you thought or become a hardcore leftist or change your gender, any time in your life. Life comes at people at different speeds, and we're always changing.