"This thread isn't propagandist enough, I don't want my beautiful fantasy world being disturbed."

For context: Knockout is a relatively niche forum that was created by users of the more well-known Facepunch forums when the latter closed down in 2019.

Since the war in Ukraine started, they have regularly been having struggle sessions about the contradictions of being a progressive, pro-trans forum, yet also being fanatically pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine. Most of the time they uncritically believe any propaganda the West, Kyiv, or even British tabloids put out, and they will react extremely hostile to anything that dares break the narrative, as seen here.

Edit: Crap, I screwed up the thumbnail somehow.

  • FortifiedAttack [he/him]
    2 years ago

    They also regularly post braindead takes about China:

    If you have to resort to killing people and destroying their mental health to contain a virus that has vaccines and treatments that heavily reduce mortality at this point, it's not worth it.

    Typical shitlib assumption at display here that China bad.

    Never have I seen any evidence for these claims, it's simply a foregone conclusion, like it is with most Western liberals.

    Yeah going to be honest I get the feeling that they (partially or heavily) used Covid as an excuse to increase government power and that they were always going to keep it permanent regardless of how covid actually played out.

    "keep it permanent"

    lol, lmao

    Their "Zero-Covid" policy is just bullshit, how the hell can you fight a war against germs and win? I just checked their vaccination rate and it's NINETY PERCENT. In my opinion, nothing more should be done other than keep encouraging people to take the vaccine. It just looks like a ridiculous display of power and evil.

    Ah yes, as we all know, humanity has never successfully eradicated any disease. Trying to save people's lives truly is a ridiculous display of power and evil.

    China relaxes covid measures:

    This was going to happen no matter what. CCP putting their fingers in their ears and claiming locking people in their homes was a necessary measure while these same people see other countries not doing it now was gonna stir the pot. Doesn't help that they didn't push vaccines and they been mostly spared from new variants.

    Being spared from new variants is bad apparently. Also, Sinovac exists.

    lol, lmao

    Lockdowns work to some extent but it's not a long term solution. They had no plan to do anything before reopening, they were just going ham on tracking and lockdowns until a miracle happens. If their policy really was "zero covid" they'd be installing air filters in public spaces, making vaccines mandatory, giving N95s to everyone and making them mandatory inside, making tests easily available and require negative tests to attend events, etc. None of these measures are silver bullets even with perfect implementation, the solution is doing all of those imperfectly, and not a single country is doing anything close that.

    Ah yes, they had no plan. Tracking and locking down of course means you are clueless, unlike the very intelligent actions from the likes of Florida and Sweden, which was to do absolutely nothing and let it rip, baby, let it rip.

    And of course, a country with cities that have had notorious quantities of smog in the past would never have air filters in public spaces . I mean, just how ridiculous is that? Have you ever seen a Chinese person wearing a mask? Come on now people, the Chinese are so backwards they don't even know what masks are!!

    This is your brain on Western propaganda.

    China did try to push vaccines, but it's the sinovac ones which time and time again has been proven to be not effective enough

    Bullshit that is disproven with just a quick cursory Google search. The WHO recognized it as effective even -- but of course, they believe the WHO is compromised by the evil Chinese and cannot be trusted, unlike the "respected" and "trustworthy" sources like the BBC or Bezo's Washington Post.

    The whole forum is full of bad takes like these (and I've wanted to dunk on them for a long time).

    They simply cannot fathom that the very same capitalist Western governments, which they acknowledge have been trampling on their rights for decades, and which they acknowledge have left them poor and living paycheck to paycheck, are also lying to them about the West's geopolitical rivals.

    It's a great example for how even socially progressive people can be utterly brainwashed by Western propaganda.

    • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
      2 years ago

      They simply cannot fathom that the very same capitalist Western governments, which they acknowledge have been trampling on their rights for decades, and which they acknowledge have left them poor and living paycheck to paycheck, are also lying to them about the West’s geopolitical rivals.

      this shit always drives me up the wall. like you understand that the media lies to you! why do you think they would tell the truth about other countries???

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah this shit is infuriating. You're so fucking close to getting it aaaaaaaaaaaaah

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        2 years ago

        They're western chauvinists. No matter how dysfunctional their own society gets, they can't imagine that those people could possibly have a better one by any metric.

        • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          It's really pernicious too.

          All sorts of people have the little "Well it may suck here; but it's better than everywhere else, right?" tucked away somewhere.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Ah yes. I’m sure the Chinese government really loved locking down their cities and grinding everything to a halt because…. Authoritarianism 1984. Those devious Chinese want to enslave everyone but also prevent people from going outside and working

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Cornunism once again enslaving people to be lazy and depend on government handouts 😞

    • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Their “Zero-Covid” policy is just bullshit, how the hell can you fight a war against germs and win?

      This is really sad, we've done this multiple times in history with varying levels of technology.

      Like Polio, or Smallpox.