Trump used to remind me of a middle school kid who shows up to class to give a book report but not only did he not read the book - he didn't even skim the Cliff Notes. Now Trump reminds me of the same kid but he's spent a few hours preparing by sniffing glue .
uhhhh in To Kill a Mockingbird there's a bird who keeps mocking the main character so he tries to kill it
Very cool country where only the smartest rise to the top
Somebody should ask Trump what IVF stands for.
"IVF is the thing where the man can't do the thing and the woman can't do the thing without the man so then a scientist - very, very smart - makes the thing happen. So - baby. In a test tube maybe. But baby."
Somebody should ask Trump what IVF stands for.
it's Latin for turkey baster
I don't think this dude has listened to a woman his entire life. Certainly not when they said "no."
He's like that dude at the party you don't want to talk to and eventually his friends have to take him home while apologizing because he threw up on your cat after downing a Four Loko