she'll fit right in with all the national Democratic politicians who now have a history of brushing shoulders with dangerous far-right movements
Hindu fascists are running India right now, and India is seen as part of Murica's containment strategy against China, so yeah, these Hindu "Nationalists" are definitely aye okay for both liberals and conservatives.
cue the liberals crying when you say democrats and conservatives are only different in name
We could overthrow about 95% of all politicians in the USA and be no worse for wear.
Will the Democrats say you're racist for criticizing her or throw her out to pasture?
100% claim your racist because their far righters are always OK.
Slava Ukrani.
Then again, she is a woman and not white, so they may just kick her to the curb.
:edgeworth-shrug: another average day in the lesser of two evils
Before I clicked the link I was sure she was a republican...
Aruna Miller, the new Democratic lieutenant governor of Maryland, is stirring concern in the state due to her decade-long ties to advocates for far-right Hindu nationalist groups.
Silly me.
Remember kids:
:vote: BLOO :vote: NO :vote: MATTER :vote: HOOOO :vote: