He's gotta drop his speechwriters and just riff. Let Donald be Donald.
He's getting back some of his twitter banger energy, he just needs to be in competition with someone to get the poster juices flowing it seems.
He does not expend from his finite lifetime energy reserve if it will not benefit him
People have mistaken the sword in the sheath for a blade already broken
All the real zingers like that or DePantsPiss are kept on hold till the primaries
I think I’m gonna have to take back my assertion that he might be past a funny debate performance, he might still have one in him if he keeps this up
lol, the way he just casually drops these bangers and bodies people is a thing to behold. As I have said - Ron has no defense against this - if he starts throwing insults everyone will turn on him but Don gives zero fucks.
In fact, there is a such a surplus at the Fucks factory, they are having to put them all in sealed containers and dump them at sea.
So they are just dumping fucks in the ocean like they're car batteries or something?
Aye, but the containers are non-toxic and eventually perish, collapsing and forming new habitats for the sealife. While the fucks are slowly released over the course of 10-15 years, rendered inert by the sea water, they ultimately dissolve into whimsical clouds of fuckery.
The car batteries recharge them but they need to be horny enough to make more electric eels
Trump is clearly listening to Cumtown and appropriating the anti-Italian bits.
this makes me think of that picture where Meatball Ron is standing dejected in forgeound and in the background Biden is gladhanding some people and they're all smiling
You forgot the most important detail: the guy Biden's shaking hands with is wearing a tank top that says "Cracker"
:thicc-trump: Meatball Ron looked terrible in his interview today with his sweaty manboobs jiggling all over the place with his nipples sticking out, very disrespectful!
Ron Desactimonious. Honestly I've grown to like the name, just for the absurdity of it.