Mestizo meaning Spaniard and Azteca or other indigenous ancestry of course. It really bothers me my girlfriends brother is like this (she's latina from Cuba). Plays up the Spaniard and Aztec part of his heritage and denigrates blacks and Asians.

Yes he looks like a 4chan user

  • StellarTabi [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I went out with a Hispanic guy for a really short amount of weeks and one time his mom said I was going give our hypothetical kids "good white stock".

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Because they can be just as susceptible to right wing propaganda as anyone else. Also racisim/colorism is a thing in Latin America. There were dictators in LA from the 30-60s that drew inspiration from European fascists and had "whitening" or "Europeanization" campaigns where they brought immigrants from Europe and marginalized colored people. Better explanation by @RNAi and @Redcuban1959 , thanks for the correction:100-com:

    • Redcuban1959 [any]
      2 years ago

      30-60s that drew inspiration from European fascists

      Not really, Blanqueamiento, Branqueamento or Whitening existed since the 1860s. There was a great belief that free Afro-descendants would outnumber the Euro-descendant and mestizo/pardo population, so there was the implementation in some countries like Brazil and Paraguay, that the child of an Afro-Latino/Native with white/mestizo would be to be "purer", as the "bad" genes would end up being destroyed by the "superior" genes.

      It's very dumb and racist, but at the time it was created to be contrary to Europe and North America's idea of ​​segregation and banning interracial marriage. I think José Vasconcelos Calderón wrote a book about the ideal race that was a mixture of all "races", it was progressive for the time but it's still wrong because race is just shit invented to separate us.

      • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Hell, you could argue it owes its origins to ideas generated in the first iteration of the Caste system during the days of the Spanish Empire.

        It’s very dumb and racist, but at the time it was created to be contrary to Europe and North America’s idea of ​​segregation and banning interracial marriage.

        There were some exceptions in the Anglosphere and Europe where a similar idea of "mixing out" the supposedly inferior race had some traction, like with aboriginals in Australia and natives in some parts of French Africa.

      • RNAi [he/him]
        2 years ago

        So we used racism to NOT have segregation laws? Amazing. History do be dialectical.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      30 - 60'

      That goes waaay back, at least here in Arg that exact same phrases were said by genocidal presidents from the 1870 (genocidal against native americans). The fredos & manolos mass migration started around 1880, among them my great gramps, and it wasn't a coincidence, it was a deliberate plan.

  • CatEars420 [they/them]
    2 years ago

    The right is turning latinx white/western in the same way that whiteness was expanded beyond being Anglo-Saxon

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Hazarding a guess as I'm a :lmayo: myself but I'd imagine now that latinx people are becoming more accepted on the right (based on :us-foreign-policy: skin color, of course) they start to think themselves white as well as do the white thing of punching down on black and asian people.

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    anglo countries conceive of race from a '1-drop' premise, you're White or Not.

    Spanish, French, and Portuguese colonies did not and had in-between castes. it's not disqualifying to have mixed ancestry and 'be' white---the descendants of aztec nobility are for instance considered white. which incidentally fits with your example somewhat, though i expect he's not a marquess or something.

    which is to say a lot of these people do not recognize the KKKrakkka definition of them as non-white, they consider themselves white. and the reason they won't abandon this is like every potential victim of fascism's reason for supporting the right; their real or imagined economic affiliation with the capitalists.

  • CommieElon [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Latin America is full of reactionaries. The only reason ones in America vote Democrat is because they’re historical ties to labor. But as the democrats increasingly appeal to the wealthy college educated class, Hispanics will start turning to reactionary politics.

    If you’re around hispanic communities they’re still very big on traditional values in the home, religion, sexuality, etc. Their beliefs are pretty similar to my It*lian relatives.

    Many are also several generations deep in the US so assimilation, even among the mestizo, crowd is underway.

    This is from a white guy who works along Hispanics and lives in a 90% Hispanic neighborhood so take it with a grain of salt.

  • usa_suxxx [they/them]
    2 years ago

    It's our proud tradition to be reactionary assholes. Then the Dem Mexican says we all need to get along.

  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    White Latin Americans are some of the most racist mfers around, always have been :shrug-outta-hecks:

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    I think part of it is a shift within the "mainstream" of the American White Nationalist and Fascist movements (in addition to the American Right in general) who see the writing on the wall for American demographics and can no longer fool themselves into thinking "purity" is attainable, save for the Siege-brained types. So they're taking a more pragmatic approach as the earlier American nativists did (to Irish and Italians) and are reaching out to the "closest" group. Doesn't help that first and second Hispanic immigrants of all races tend to be on the conservative and "pious" side (which is a bonus for self-described tradcaths), with many compradors looking to punch down on more "acceptable" targets like African Americans. The discord sown among racial and ethnic minorities breaks up solidarity, which is a bonus.

    To compound this, I remember there being some buzz among the White nationalist sphere about "Castizo Futurism" (or anything adjacent) since they realize that you can maintain White Supremacy without a white majority (see: literally all of Latin America). Since Catboy Fash Fuentes is now a recognizable name in said sphere, it seems that's become more prevalent of an idea.

    They tried doing this originally with Asians but, for obvious reasons due to the political climate, that's no longer viable.

    • CTHlurker [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I thought that Catboy Fash Fuentes was Spanish, as in from the country of Spain, and not Latin American? Because while the Anglo settlers may look down on the Spanish as lazy, corrupt and temperamental, I think even the most hardcore racist would agree that a Spaniard is whiter than a mestizo from latin America.

      • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Nope. In his own words, he’s of Mexican descent.

        Funny story is that he claimed to be white based off of the technicality in the Spanish Colonial Caste system that people with just one native/African great grandparent (<12.5%) with the rest European were considered white (if still inferior in status to Peninsulares). He took a DNA test which put him at ~15% American ancestry (ie. Castizo in the colonies).

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    this is completely vibes but I have noticed more of the trucks driven by Latino guys in my neighborhood aren't playing as much loud ranchera and reggaetron music. They're listening to "god beer america" country music.

    It's probably because there's been enough of an integration at this point. A lot of Latino people who make their way into the US were primed for reactionary beliefs already, like there were legal prohibitions on immigration through a lot of Latin America throughout the 20th century. In Mexico it was illegal for black people, Jews, Turks, or Roma to immigrate throughout the 1920s and 40s. There's widespread xenophobia against Hondurans and Guatemalans too.

    I used to know a woman who was both very clearly of indigenous Mexican ancestry and one of the most reactionary people I've ever met. She adored Joel Osteen, she would vocally advocate mandatory sterilization of poor people and criminals, she wanted the border with Mexico completely closed and militarized. Furthermore, she grew up in poverty and was on the receiving end of racism throughout her childhood, and yet she turned out like this. At least with her, it seems like she built a life where she's "one of the good ones." She went to school, got good grades, got a middle class job, and owns a house. She completely integrated and wore a cloak of whiteness for so long eventually it consumed her.

    I don't know if that's what the situation most of the time, but it's what seems to happen. A little bit of financial stability will start to rapidly eat away at the primary politics a person has. The political ads around where I live, which is heavily Hispanic/Latino, often focus on clamping down on cultural boogeymen like ending abortion or restricting the rights of queer people or immigrants. As in, once there's a little bit of money, folks will gravitate more towards their unexamined cultural biases.

    And there's a lot of that in Latin American politics. It's why AMLO (president of Mexico) who nominally says a lot of very leftist things still had to ally himself with Partido Encuentro Social at first. They were a far-right Christian nationalist party in favor of banning abortion and criminalizing gay sex.

    • usa_suxxx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I used to know a woman who was both very clearly of indigenous Mexican ancestry and one of the most reactionary people I’ve ever met. She adored Joel Osteen, she would vocally advocate mandatory sterilization of poor people and criminals, she wanted the border with Mexico completely closed and militarized. Furthermore, she grew up in poverty and was on the receiving end of racism throughout her childhood, and yet she turned out like this. At least with her, it seems like she built a life where she’s “one of the good ones.” She went to school, got good grades, got a middle class job, and owns a house. She completely integrated and wore a cloak of whiteness for so long eventually it consumed her.

      I see you know my aunt. Hispanics for Trump lawn sign at her house.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Being "the good one" to try to escape persecution is a powerful motivator. :doomer:

    • Cherufe [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Bold of you to asume that they dont dream of doing the persecution

      Source: I live in latin america and the most racists people I have met have been from all colors