this is such a 2020 opinion to have about the chapo boys, honestly. they never learned anything, they're just stuck in some horrifying time loop while the world crumbles around them and they can't even understand why. they say they do, but they know deep down that their inane theories about how the socialist left vanguard is literally three guys being paid by the kremlin to punch at hillary clinton lack explanatory power. like hillary clinton is so irrelevant today, just mentioning her name in the context of elections has become some sort of punchline, this is a mainstream opinion. i can't quite grasp the full dimension of the terror.
this is such a 2020 opinion to have about the chapo boys, honestly
That’s what makes it so great tbh
One of the comments talks about how the episode they listened to featured will playing the Russian anthem, much proves that he’s an asset
Common undercover agent activities such as blasting the anthem of your handlers
These liberals can't tell the difference between the Soviet and Russian anthems.
The first word of the Russian anthem is literally Rassiya, libs are so fucking dumb.
Libs are just as culturally stagnant as Chuds, it seems.
I'd argue worse:
CHUDs are still celebrating their culture war victory of gamergate, but liberals want to keep licking their wounds. Liberals are practically celebrating their failures.
this tweet is 75% just buzzwords smashed together solely to rile up twitter libs
brainwashing and traumatizing a huge swath of the left with Gamergate trolling.
Leftism is when conservatism.
Why did Chapo suddenly appear six months before the 2016 election to run damaging propaganda on Hillary Clinton? Why do they torment anyone who mentions Russia?
It’s a mystery. We need to stop being so naive and call a psyop a psyop.
So some Americans still believe that Russia somehow elected orange man and that Americans are incapable of electing such an evil human being? Ffs, you elected Ronald Reagan, Nixon and Bush. Also, Hillary was such a terrible candidate and the Democrats did everything they could to fuck Bernie Sanders instead of focusing on attacking the Republican candidate.
We need to stop being so naive and call a psyop a psyop.
So the notion that Russia somehow infiltrated American democracy is somehow not a psyop, but a ragtag Patreon-funded profanity-laden podcast is?
Am I getting this right?
He wasn't wrong about the Russia thing. He's not owned, he's not owned, he is not psychologically shrinking into a corncob
In 2016, Vladimir Putin told the FSB he needed a new sort of psyop program to control the West: a podcast recorded over tin cans connected by string that would review the Adam Sandler classic Reign Over Me (2007).
The way these fucking rubes throw around the term “conspiracy theorist” is so fucking infuriating. I understand that the term was literally developed by the CIA for the express purpose it’s serving when it comes out of the mouth of someone like this but it’s still such an absolutely bonkers thing to go throwing around like it actually means something. I mean how many fucking conspiracies does the U.S. have to admit to covering up before these assholes consider it’s not some fringe worldview that delegitimizes anyone you can tag with being a “conspiracy theorists”. I always think about the 53’ Iranian coup and how many fucking people from the U.S. and Iran KNEW that shit was CIA and were happy to share that view. Im sure any one of them with enough of a platform to draw any attention were immediately labeled as conspiracy theorists. Think about how many smug dipshits like this guy were there to “well ackshually” the people who had the guts to recognize MOTIVE and follow that towards the truth. They just don’t understand if you can de emphasize the truth for long enough then it doesn’t matter how explosive it is when it comes back into focus 50-60 years later. It’s the same playbook every time and these fucking assholes will never fucking assholes will never learn.
Start calling the other side coincidence theorists
"Boy, another coincidence! They're just stacking up, aren't they! Oh well nothing to see here."
i still dont know what gamergate actually is and with any luck i never will
In the 70s, the CIA broke into a hotel and Nixon tried to cover it up since it was linked back to him. He formed a secret internal group called "The Plumbers," led by brothers Mario and Luigi Lombardo. "The Plumbers" would later go on to inspire Nintendo's Mario series, thus, birthing "Gamergate"
Is Roger Stone a stage name for Wario Lombardo? :libertarian-approaching:
It's actually gay-mergate, a homosoxual that's half fish and half gate.
Some woman cheated on her psycho boyfriend and he claimed there was a vast conspiracy because her freeware game that was really more of a short-form interactive fiction about depression got a mention in Kotaku or some shit.
:gamer-gulag: types took this, specifically, to mean that video games journalism was unethical, not the preceding decades of magazines and then websites with advertisements for games right next to the review that tells you to buy this game, it's so great, 10/10 trust me i'm a journalist
OFF TOPIC: Its the greatest thing ever that the only actual Chapo Trap House post of the year is the only post not posted in !
I thought this tweet was from 2016 :agony-shivering:
For real though, the :chapo-boys: legit thought Hillary was going to win and were on stage when the election was called for Trump iirc